‘I was upset with Carlos. It wasn’t okay to take it out on you. Or Zach.’ He breathes in deeply. ‘Have I messed things up for you with him?’

‘Not at all.’

‘That’s not the reason you haven’t been in? I feel like I’m the reason you haven’t been in. I’m a big guy. I know when I’m angry my size is even more noticeable.’

‘Oh, Oz. Obviously, I won’t let on outside these walls, but you are the gentlest giant that ever lived. I’m not afraid of you. Not even when you’re angry – which you had every right to be. Has Carlos…? Um, has he told you where he’s been going?’ I pass him a piece of pie.

‘To a business class.’ He nods and takes a mouthful of pie but it still doesn’t disguise his next words. ‘What if he meets someone there?’

I lower my fork back to my plate. ‘That was your take-away from what he told you?’

‘No, of course that wasn’t my take-away. But along with feeling all the other stuff like fear, anger and disappointment over the business… It’s easier to admit to a bit of displacement jealousy.’

‘Well, you’re being absurd. But I guess I get it. He must worry all the time that you’ll meet someone in the Pissed Off Pastry Chef Allegiance.’

Looking only a little abashed, Oz replies, ‘Cute. But we’ve disbanded. Didn’t have enough members to form the Class of ’23.’

I smile around a mouthful of pie. ‘Are you going to be the Lone Pissed Off Pastry Chef now?’

‘I guess I’m going to try not to be if I’m to try and help save the business. Thought I’d jump right in at the most stressful part for me – the people part. I really thought Carlos didn’t get that but it’s part of why he didn’t tell me.’ He leans his head back and sighs deeply. ‘How could he not tell me, Ashleigh? How could I not realise?’

‘He was trying to let you do the thing that you love instead of having to deal with the business stress. And he was worried you’d think him a failure.’

‘Yeah, I get all that but I thought we were good at communicating. Thought that’s what set us apart from my other relationships.’

‘You’re going to need to forgive him, forgive yourself and concentrate on the bigger picture. He has told you now. Working together – I know you can figure this out.’

‘It’s the other reason why I’m here. I was hoping you’d come to this Mrs. Lundy’s with me? I need to take a look around her kitchen. Check out the facilities.’

‘You’re going to cater for her dinner party?’

‘And any other her guests may offer us. If I want Oscars to survive – if I want Carlos and I to survive – I need to show him I heard him. That this is on both of us and we can turn it around.’ He starts rolling his eyes as he looks at me. ‘No. Do not do that hands-clapping-in-glee, thing.’

I immediately put my hands behind my back but can’t hold back the giant grin spreading across my face. ‘This is going to be great. I already mentioned the possibility of getting wait-staff from Sparkle. It’ll be a win-win for both businesses.’

‘That would be great. So great. Thanks, Ash—’ Oz breaks off and steps across the room to stare at the canvas. Without mentioning my bed, he picks the collage up. ‘Hey, this is beautiful. You’re making this?’

I nod.

‘Ashleigh this is terrific. Angel wings, right?’

I nod again.

‘You know we could put this on the wall in Oscars.’

‘But it’s not an Oscar.’

‘Is this a one off?’

‘I, um, did a couple before. But I wasn’t a hundred per cent happy with them. This one … this one is turning out how I’ve been seeing it in my head.’

‘You could sell this.’

I blink.

I could?

I could use the money to go towards helping repay Shelley-Ann who insisted on helping me out with rent after Sarah died.