For the sex we’ll be having.

I draw in a deep calming breath and … oh … thinking about calming reminds me. I scurry out to my cart and pull out the bottom drawer. I push aside one of the new company tabards Jamal handed out this week. They say Sparkle all over them in silver and gold on a background of fluorescent white and I don’t think I was alone in thinking it looks like some sexy lab coat. I was supposed to put it on when I got here because there was no way I was going to wear it on the subway. Not because I’m embarrassed about where I work but because I was worried the sheer glare coming off it would be too much for people. Anyway, under the tabard I take out the little surprise I brought for Julia to re-create getting that High-End Spa Feel At Home article I was reading.

Back in the bathroom I take the glossy bamboo leaves and strands of natural twine and spray them with a spritz of gorgeous-smelling bergamot and rose essential oils – perfect for relaxing. Now for the tricky part as I tie one of the leaves around the bottle of handwash using the origami-style instructions from the article. It’s meant to look like a kimono obi belt afterwards.

When it doesn’t spring apart after a few seconds I give a little leap of pleasure and move on to the other bottles in the bathroom. I stand back, happy with the results. The room feels less simply clean and functional and more invitingly relaxing. Which is great because, having noticed the book Doing All The Things While Still Retaining Your Sanity, that was lying on her bed last week, I figure if there’s one thing the hardworking, single mother of two deserves, it’s a little gift of spa-like pampering and relaxation.

* * *

‘…And I get to go home next week, Ashleigh. Home.’ Katey hugs her arms to herself, while beaming proudly from the end of her hospital bed.

‘That’s the best news, ever, Katey.’ I’m beaming right back at her, my heart fat with happiness as it sits inside my chest.

Earlier as she was reciting her favourite chapter from the book we’ve been reading together, I sat beside her thinking about how easy-breezy I’d found it to sail through the hospital’s entrance doors and walk up here to the Ladybug Ward. As if I’d been doing it for years. I’m so grateful to Mrs. Lundy for using the right words to get me to follow through.

And now even knowing that sometimes the patient isn’t going to get to go home I’m not going to let that stop me from turning up every week. Sarah was right. I’m kind of good at this.

‘…I’m gonna get to play with my dog, Bert,’ Katey says. ‘Wanna see a picture of him?’ She pulls out a photo from the bedside locker beside her and thrusts it into my outstretched hand. ‘I can’t wait to give him the biggest hug. I asked my dad if Bert could sleep on the end of my bed the first few nights and he said “Absolutely”, not even “We’ll have to see”. No way would Mom have said that. Promise you’ll never tell him that?’

‘Promise,’ I say with a laugh.

‘I’m going to miss you.’

A lump forms in my throat. ‘I’m going to miss you too, but seeing this picture of Bert here, I know you’re going to be in the best paws!’ I hand her back the photo. ‘I want to thank you too because you’ve helped me so much with my visits here.’

‘Uh-huh, you hardly ever miss out words now,’ she says, nodding her head. ‘Maybe I’ll tell Tabitha’s Toothy Problem to Bert? I’m coming back for the Read-A-Thon, so I’ll get to see you then, right?’

‘What’s the Read-A-Thon?’

‘It’s where we all get dressed up as our favourite character from books and read and we get sponsored and it’s for charity. It’s on the noticeboard on the wall outside the ward.’

‘Well, that sounds amazing and you can count on seeing me here.’

‘That’s so great because I didn’t see your name on the list so I went ahead and added it for you. How will I recognise you? Who will you come as?’

‘Hmmm, I’m going to have to let that be a surprise.’ Aka, whatever the shop has left in my budget.

Chapter Twenty-Two



Who doesn’t love sitting on the subway, with a giant bush between their legs?


That sounded so wrong. To clarify, I’m currently sitting on the packed subway with an overly large, let’s call it, “mature” potted plant between my legs. To be honest I’m not sure anyone has noticed on account of being squashed in like a sardine. An anonymous sardine due to the unwritten rule about avoiding eye contact.

I’m on my way to The Clouds to deliver the plant to George’s apartment. Considering I’m supposed to be on my way home to get ready for tonight, I don’t know what possessed me.

Okay, the Read-A-Thon made me do it. It’s scheduled for the morning of Jasmine’s wedding. I’ll make it work somehow but it made me think about how I still haven’t told Zach about the wedding. Nerves that were gone while reading to Katey came back tenfold and somehow, instead of getting on the subway, I found myself standing in front of a stall of plants for sale when it hit me. Getting George a plant – a real plant – to replace the fake Ficus he has, was exactly what I needed to do.

I’m worried he won’t get the joke because it references something we were talking about or I guess writing about would be a more accurate description. Alongside the habit we’ve slipped into for leaving crossword clues for each other, there are now sometimes notes that we staple to the page when we run out of room in the margins.

It’s becoming quite the little book. A jumble of crossword clues. Recipes. And thank you notes the like of:
