How can I possibly walk into Rhonda’s office to turn down the promotion she offered me and then immediately suggest Sparkle start offering silver service as part of its business model?
Yeah … that’s why Rhonda asked to speak with me yesterday. After I agreed to take on 33B she then offered me a promotion to cleaning supervisor.
‘Will you be servicing George later, dear?’
‘Will I…?’ At Mrs. Lundy’s words I think I’m going to have to re-vacuum to pick up the mess left from my jaw hitting the ground a second after my eyes, now way too large for my eye sockets, pop out onto the floor. ‘Of course not. If there’s going to be any servicing later,’ I croak out, ‘it’ll be of Zach. My boyfriend. That is – when I say boyfriend, what I really mean is we’ve been on two dates. This will be our third.’ I start moving around the room like a trapped butterfly. ‘Is a third date “servicing” time? I don’t know. Why don’t I know? I swear I used to know.’ The formal dining room starts to feel stuffy as I contemplate (and for contemplate, read: panic) the reality of going on a third date with the same guy. Because at what point, specifically, do we start to talk on a deeper level?
About the big things that have shaped us.
About how sometimes I’m not always fine.
Sometimes I’m still a bit of a mess.
Which I’m pretty sure, isn’t pretty.
‘But then, if it is – you know’—I go back to thinking about easier things—‘then, shouldn’t it be mutual “servicing”? I don’t need to be getting into something that isn’t mutual. This is all so exhausting.’ I stop and turn to look at Mrs. Lundy for understanding. ‘I was just looking for someone to hang out with on the weekend. But then my mom—’ I break off with an exasperated sigh. ‘With the whole my cousin’s wedding—’ I break off again. ‘Which shouldn’t matter because who cares, right? If I go solo, I mean? Let them talk.’
‘I meant will you be servicing George’s apartment, later?’ Mrs. Lundy says, gently.
‘I knew that.’ I nod my head like a bobblehead. ‘I absolutely knew you meant that.’
Chapter Fifteen
The moment I push open George’s apartment door, I feel the change. Instead of the clinical, efficient atmosphere, the energy is fizzing with discord.
In the living area, I stare at the scene before me. For George to have had such an effect on his environment, something bad has happened and I’m not talking the existential type of crisis naked to the invisible eye because, believe me, there’s plenty of physical evidence around.
An empty takeout container strewn across the usually barren kitchen countertop.
A half-empty coffee mug by the sink.
Torn-out pages from magazines overflow his in-tray and litter his desk.
Stacks of food and lifestyle magazines on the floor under his desk.
For George, this is a next-level cess-pit standard.
In fact, the sight of such carnage has me so concerned I immediately head into the bedroom to check he’s not lying unconscious.
He isn’t, thank goodness, but from the looks of it, George definitely hasn’t been sleeping.
The bed is usually made before I get here but today the sheets are rumpled and the comforter is half-hanging off. George’s latest bed companion doesn’t seem to have been his girlfriend. Instead, it looks like he’s had the starring role in an orgy of work and coffee binge drinking, with the paperwork and mugs deciding to hang around for seconds.
I leave the papers cascading across the bed like a white-water river of thoughts and head into the bathroom.
It’s also empty of bodies, which is more good news, but I stare forlornly at the wet towel left on the floor.
Oh, Mrs. Lundy was right to be concerned about him.
That was all she’d meant to convey earlier when I’d so colossally misconstrued her question about servicing. Of course, after my mini-meltdown, I’m pretty certain I’ve now also managed to make her worry about me.
Thinking about how I must have come across has me shuddering all over again. I don’t know why I got so panicked, thinking about a third date with Zach. I’ve been feeling so good about being in control. I mean, if I don’t want to – if it’s too difficult, or I’m not ready – I don’t ever have to talk about losing my best friend.