I plug the vacuum into a wall socket in the dining area and wave my hand dismissively. ‘I can see why you’d think that, but, honestly, if it was a real emergency, she’d have my brother or sister phone or she’d message me.’ I’m about to add she’s only calling because she thinks I’m at George’s with nothing to clean and therefore have free time on my hands when I remember my new rule about not mentioning him.

Bad enough Rhonda sat me down in her office and asked me some searching questions about if I was really okay and still happy to clean George’s apartment. It took ages for it to sink in that she was asking because George had recommended me for an additional job – cleaning his and Mrs. Lundy’s neighbour’s apartment, 33B. In response, I’m pretty sure I made things worse for myself by glowing. With pride, obviously. Let’s not make this weird.

I guess my reaction was weird though. I put it down to surprise that someone whom I’ve never met, and who I don’t understand how I could leave an impression on when I literally walk in to clean his apartment and leave it looking no different to when I arrived, should have noticed me doing enough of anything to recommend me?

‘Do you have family, Mrs. Lundy?’ I ask as I roll the vacuum over to the Persian rug that the elegant rosewood dining table sits so regally upon.

‘Hildy,’ she corrects. ‘Not anymore. Why do you think I meddle in so many lives?’

My finger pauses on the switch. ‘Trust me, your kind of meddling the world can do with. If it wasn’t for your pep talk last week, I would have stood outside that hospital for the millionth time and not gone in. The fact that I did, when all the other times I’d chickened out, is down to you. Honestly, now I’ve done it once, I’d go every day if I could.’

‘Every day?’

I catch Mrs. Lundy’s expression as I switch the vacuum from hard-floor setting to carpets. ‘You don’t think the hospital’s missing a trick not extending the volunteer reading programme to weekends?’

‘I guess that depends – do you have a burning need to spend the only time you get off from your job at the hospital? Because I’m on the hospital board, so could probably arrange it.’

‘You are?’ I’m even more glad I followed through on my promise to Sarah now but instead of making an idiot of myself and asking if Mrs. Lundy really could arrange it so that I had a legitimate commitment on the weekends, I judiciously start vacuuming. When I’ve finished, I ask, ‘So what do you do on the weekend, Mrs. Lundy?’

‘Hildy,’ she patiently corrects again. ‘Let’s see, most Saturdays I play checkers or dominoes in the park with Alfred.’

‘And is Alfred, your, um…’ I tail off, unable to think of a suitable term. This is where I could do with a crossword clue to provide the answer because “boyfriend” sounds so wrong when you’re Mrs. Lundy’s age.

‘Let’s just say,’ Mrs. Lundy continues with a grin, ‘Alfred and I play out our thing on a giant gameboard and enjoy ourselves immensely. Naturally, I often distract him with my’—she does a little shimmy so that the multicoloured glass crystals and metallic thread on her kaftan shimmers—‘gaming prowess. Of course, he has cataracts, but he pretends!’

I laugh with delight and wonder if Zach and I have the potential to move from a couple of promising dates into something deeper. Probably not if we never get to see each other on weekends.

I’m looking forward to seeing him tonight. Should I tell him about Carlos and Oz and ask what to do to help, or would that be too deep? I’ve forgotten what third-date discussion material is appropriate. It flashes through my mind Sarah won’t be there to grab me by the shoulders and stare into my eyes and tell me not to do anything she wouldn’t do and then laugh dirtily.

‘…Then I usually head to the senior centre for a bite to eat,’ Mrs. Lundy adds, a twinkle in her eyes. ‘Get the gossip. Start some gossip…’

I shake off the melancholy. Force myself to remember I’m looking forward to a simple date tonight with a guy I’m enjoying getting to know.

‘Sounds like fun,’ I say, depressing the switch to make the vacuum cord retract. To prevent any enquiries into what I do or don’t get up to at the weekends, I ask, ‘How did the cakes from Oscars go down at your afternoon tea?’

Her face lights up. ‘They were a hit. I’ll be ordering from your friends’ bakery again. Do you know if they offer a full dinner service? I have the hospital charity board coming next month to go through some upcoming fundraisers. I find it often goes better with good food in front of them.’

‘I’ll find out for you.’ Wow, what if Carlos and Oz suddenly had so much work on it would be madness for either one of them to leave?

I turn and look at the dining table I polished earlier. ‘How many would the dinner be for?’ I ask, picturing crisp linen settings with some of Mrs. Lundy’s patterned china from the matching rosewood display case in the room.

‘Let’s see, if everyone attends, twelve.’

‘You know what would be good? A cherry blossom arrangement as a centrepiece. Maybe some moss at the base? Nothing too tall – if you’re going to be talking money, you’re going to want to see the whites of everyone’s eyes, right? Heavy flatware. Crystal votives. The blush pink of the cherry blossom with the fresh green of the moss, would look wonderful on the rosewood. Fresh as spring. Perfect for looking forward, right? Things always seem more possible in the spring.’ I grind to a halt, embarrassed by my enthusiasm.

‘You’re good at creating ambience. Why aren’t you out in the world decorating homes, or designing?’

‘Oh. No. That’s not me.’ The words rush out of me in quick denial. ‘I mean I used to—’ I stop myself. Mrs. Lundy’s skill in getting a person to over-share is considerable. ‘I like reading about the latest decorating trends, you know?’

I think of all the articles I wanted to write but never pitched at Best Home because I was too nervous, too scared, too worried about being laughed at and then last year when I was too … too…

I heave in a breath. Time to bring this back to what I do now. ‘I guess you’ll need wait staff? Sparkle could probably help you out with that,’ I say without thinking. ‘Sorry, that was really presumptuous, I’m sure you have contacts and a company in mind.’

‘Wouldn’t hurt to take a look at another company – especially if it’s a recommendation.’

‘It would be a new service for us, but my boss is always looking to expand her business.’

What is wrong with me?