
Would rather spontaneously combust.

‘George? Don’t tell me you’re shocked by the offer?’

‘Sorry. No.’ It is an effort to get my voice out without sounding like I am panting. Panting, for God’s sake! ‘Of course not. Just absorbing,’ I force out. ‘I’ve made no secret this is something I’ve wanted.’

‘You’re a pressure player. Knew it from the moment we met.’

My chest tightens and I really, really wish he would stop talking about pressure.

‘Anya will have a few junior account executives in mind for you to mentor alongside your team. It doesn’t stop now, you realise. I’m expecting more accounts like Yeong Cosmetics.’

‘I already have feelers in play,’ I reply, hoping that sheer will can prevent the sweat from popping out on my upper lip. ‘There’s a large hospitality company looking for representation I’ve had my eye on.’

‘Excellent.’ Harrison grins. ‘I’ll expect an update by the end of the week. But for now, go, celebrate. You’ve earned it.’

‘Perhaps a mini celebration and then right back to it.’ And by mini celebration, I’m thinking about ordering a large tank of oxygen and sitting in a quiet room with it.

‘Speaking of celebrations,’ Harrison continues. ‘If I can end this meeting on a personal note? I like seeing my daughter happy, George.’

This time it’s easy to draw in oxygen as I think about how I intend to make her very happy – when we celebrate tonight. Maybe, as it’s a special occasion, she will stay over for the weekend and get relaxed enough that she’ll let me do that thing that sort of makes her scream-snort-giggle with pleasure and?—

‘I have to say, that before she met you, I’m not sure I ever heard my daughter giggle.’

I hope to God that Harrison cannot read minds.

‘You make her happy, George.’

‘We make each other happy, Harrison,’ I manage to say.

‘And if there was a bigger celebration to be coming up … of a more personal nature … well, Elizabeth and I wouldn’t be displeased.’


Finally, I get it.

He’s talking about marriage.

As in me and Anya.

Tying the knot.

Getting hitched.



Am I maybe only being given this promotion so that when Anya and I do get married we look equal within the company?

Openly sweating now.

I hope my new office has adjustable air-con.

I try a laugh.

Which must work, because suddenly I’m being shown out with a camaraderie type hand-slap to my shoulder.