Three Months Later…
Oscars is busy, with a line of customers nearly out the door and honestly, it’s getting hard to remember a time when it wasn’t.
I collect up cups and saucers from the only unoccupied table, getting ready to clean and free it up again and right then, that’s when the internal radar that I have for George bleeps madly and I glance to the doorway just as he hurls himself through it. He’s out of breath and swaying a little.
Carlos does his parkour thing, flying out from behind the counter. ‘Dude! Are you okay? You look like you’re having a heart?—’
George holds his hand up to forestall Carlos’s words. ‘There is absolutely nothing wrong?—’
‘With his heart,’ I finish for George.
George peers around the customers to locate me, his expression turning thoughtful as he notes I’ve been cleaning. Stepping around the line, he walks straight to me and declares, ‘I have some things to say.’
‘Go right ahead, honey,’ the first woman in line says, ‘say your things.’
I’m not surprised the crowd, far from baying to be served, has taken one look at the gorgeousness that is George, and become hyper-interested. I even notice Oz walk out of the kitchen to stand behind the counter next to Carlos.
I can’t resist asking George, ‘You don’t think you said enough last night?’
‘Depends,’ he answers. ‘Are you talking about my leaving party at Hildy’s, or afterwards? Because I don’t recall either of us spending a lot of time talking after.’
I feel myself flush because truthfully, I love it when George says his things, it being equally as sexy as when he uses a more physical form of communication.
But that he always takes time to talk to me is every bit alluring as it is reassuring.
And always makes me want to reciprocate.
With words and actions.
George makes a show of clearing his throat before announcing, ‘I may have mentioned a time or two how attracted I am to your sexy-clumsy.’
My eyebrows shoot up but I don’t tell him to stop.
‘Probably because it’s uniquely you,’ he adds. ‘I find it utterly endearing. Enchanting. Authentic.’
Copy that, I think as Carlos sighs out the word before he turns to Oz and says, ‘Again with his words. Why don’t you talk to me like that?’
The line of customers turns their attention to Carlos and Oz just as Oz replies, ‘I do. It sounds different in his accent. I talk in pastries. You know this about me.’
‘However,’ George continues, making the line of customers swing their attention back in our direction. ‘As attracted as I believe you know I am to it, I am wondering if “clumsiness” is really a good enough excuse to get out of helping me move all my stuff into yours?’
‘Ours,’ I correct him, unable to stop my serious expression from morphing into the biggest grin for him. Because, yes. George and I are moving in together. And it isn’t just because Memorial doesn’t pay George enough to afford living in The Clouds. Or the fact that his lease is coming up for renewal anyway. He could have got his own place but we did all the crazy-exciting talking thing we keep doing and concluded we wanted this to be the next chapter of our adventure together. ‘How’s it going?’ I ask, excited. ‘Are you nearly finished? How many more boxes?’
‘Am I…?’ His mouth drops open a little. ‘Three flights of stairs with each box. Three. And many boxes thanks to you making me get all the “things-that-make-a-place-a-home” paraphernalia.’ He looks over at Carlos and Oz. ‘And you two were supposed to get some assistance in here so that you could shift boxes for us.’
‘Can we help it if all your advice over the months has paid off and we’re run off our feet 24/7?’ Oz mumbles. ‘Besides, we kind of assumed Ashleigh would use it as an excuse to trial a new service at Sparkle.’
‘Hey, I resent that,’ I chide. ‘Life’s not all about work, you know.’ George and I share a secret smile for each other because as much as we both love our jobs, we’re both loving spending time together even more.
Me and him.
Him and me.