After several beats, that damn bottom lip of hers goes between her teeth, and she gives me a shaky nod. “Okay.”
I smirk, giving her a quick kiss. “Now go make some sexy lingerie. I expect a show later.”
With one last look, she’s gone.
I’m well and truly fucked.
She wants me and Roman?
Good. I hope she’s fucking ready, because I want the both of them, too.
My thighs burn, and my chest heaves as I draw in ragged breath after ragged breath. I pushed my body to the max. Usually, I run several miles at a brisk pace, but not today. Today I fucking sprinted. I ran so hard, I thought my legs were going to fall off.
Then I ran harder.
The brutal pace only gave me an ounce of the punishment I deserve.
I’m a shitty friend. That’s all there is to it.
Not only am I keeping all these secrets from my best friend, but I almost fucked all of us, and not in the good way.
All it took was one off-the-cuff comment, and I ruined the entire evening. Harrison thinks I’m fucking his sister, and while half of me wishes it were true, I’d rather talk to him about dating Charlotte before diving into her vagina.
Although if his reaction at dinner is anything to go by, there’s no way he’ll be okay with me going after his sister. I’m not nearly good enough for her. He knows it, and fuck, I know it too.
And the truth is, none of it should matter. Not when I’m playing hockey full time and I have no intention of giving that up.
I slow down as I get to Harrison’s floor, wiping the sweat from my brow and staring down the hall like it has all the answers I’m looking for. If I were a better person, I’d square my shoulders, knock on his door, and lay out every lie, every secret. But I’m a terrible fucking person, stuck in the biggest catch-22 ever.
If I keep quiet, my relationship with Harrison becomes more and more at risk. Eighteen years of friendship down the drain to protect the only person in the world I can’t have. But if I come clean, if I tell him everything, I risk her and everything else, including my career.
I blow out a breath and hang my head, giving it a shake before I turn and head up the next flight of stairs. There’s no good choice here, but Mateo, Roman, and Charlotte are all counting on me, and I’m not going to let them down.
Especially after Charlotte looked me dead in the face, her eyes filling with tears, and accused me of hating her. I wasn’t lying when I said I couldn’t fight her anymore. Not when her bottom lip quivered, not when her lemon scent clouded my senses, and especially not when she pinned me with her baby blue eyes and flayed open my soul.
Her mere proximity makes me weak.
The cool air of the apartment hits me square in the chest as I open the door and step inside. With one hand, I pull my T-shirt over my head, wipe the sweat from my face, and freeze. A scream echoes through the apartment.
I don’t think, I just run.
Charlotte’s home by herself, and fuck, if something happened to her, I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself.
I’m in front of her door in a second, throwing it open and lunging inside.
For the second time in what seems like as many moments, I’m powerless to move. My brain short-circuits, and every single blood cell in my body migrates south.
Except for a mint green bralette, Charlotte is naked.
Charlotte is naked.
And not just lying there in the nude, nope.
Her legs hang open, and she’s working a multicolored dildo into her perfect cunt. In. Out.