Roman: Why? Did something happen? Did he show up at the apartment?

Mateo: God no. I don’t think he has the balls to show up here. Or at least not after I threatened to rearrange his teeth.

Roman: Rewind. I think you missed a few details. Where did you run into this guy?

Mateo: Oh, at his place.

Jace: Dammit, Mateo. Why were you at his place?

Mateo: Calm your man tits, cranky pants. I found Charlie overwhelmingly upset this morning.

Jace: This morning? She should have been at work.

Roman: She didn’t seem upset when she left.

Jace: Spying on her again, Roman?

Roman: Don’t be a dick, Jace. I know that’s hard for you. What happened with Charlie? What does this have to do with her ex?

Mateo: I’m getting there. You two bicker like an old married couple. Anyone told you that before?

Jace: Yeah, you. Frequently.

Jace: Meanwhile, you know how to tell a story much like I imagine a new butcher would slaughter a cow. Terribly. Maybe a touch less blood.

Roman: Thanks for that mental image.

Roman: Charlie. Mateo, you better start talking.

Mateo: I’m rather enjoying the back-and-forth between the two of you. But since you asked so nicely… Charlie was fired today. Sounds like one of the snooty parents didn’t like our girl, but it’s okay, that job was all wrong for her.

Roman: If you tell me she’d be a great live-in sex goddess, I swear to God, I will come back to the apartment and punch you in the throat.

Mateo: It turns out our little lady Charlie makes sexy lingerie in her spare time.

Roman: …

Jace: Well, you’ve managed to kill all his brain cells. Need I remind the both of you that Charlotte is off-limits?

Mateo: Tomayto, tomahto.

Mateo: Anyway… She left all her sewing stuff at her old place, and I offered to go with her to pick everything up. Dickface was there with the new boy-toy and tried to give her shit, but we shut that down real fast. Then she showed me a few of the lingerie pieces she’s made for friends, and she’s really good. Like could start up her own store and do this for a living good.

Jace: And by showed you a few pieces you mean…

Mateo: Like she held them in her hand.

Mateo: To be fair, I did ask her to model them for me, but she declined… at the time. Don’t worry, I’ll get her to show them off eventually. They’re very lacy.

Roman: Thanks for that. Now I’m going to work out with a boner.

Mateo: You’re welcome. Oh, and Harrison doesn’t know she got fired. So, you know, we don’t know she got fired either.

Jace: Great. More secrets.

Mateo: I figured you’d like that. Maybe Charlie will feel bad and model a thing or two for you.

Jace: Pass.