I head to my office and call over my shoulder, “You’re the best.”
Sure enough, there’s a thick stack of Devil statistics from this year, organized alphabetically by player last name, on my desk. Best assistant I’ve ever had. Almost makes me feel bad that I’ve been leering at her like a creeper since I walked in this morning. Almost.
The morning wears on and I perfect the lineup for the game tomorrow. It’s not ideal to have a game the day before Christmas, but the NHL rests for no one. Because we’re so close to the holiday, I’ve lightened the practice schedule for the guys, leaving Tessa and me alone in the arena office section today.
“Hey, Coach.” She sticks her head in my office and eyes me speculatively until I wave her in. “I was thinking about ordering lunch from the pub that just opened up a few blocks away. I’ve got the menu pulled up if you’re interested.”
I push my chair out from underneath my desk and turn around in it as she makes her way across the room. She’s reapplied her bright red lip gloss, and I can’t help but watch how it glimmers under the office fluorescents. As she rounds the corner of my desk, her heel must snag on the carpet because she abruptly lurches at me with a look of horror etched on her face. On instinct, I reach my hands out to catch her, but as it turns out my mitts do nothing to slow her descent. She grabs onto them, twists her body, and falls face first into my lap.
My pulse hammers in my veins, and I fight every instinct I have not to put my hands on the back of her head and push her further into me. I unclasp my hands from hers, grip the arms of the chair, and fight back a groan.
Her glossy red lips are separated from my dick by two thin layers of fabric. That. Is. It.
I could have it out and in her mouth before she could blink.
Without a doubt, that would put me on the naughty list.
I grit my teeth to try and prevent the inevitable, but it does nothing to stop the growing bulge in my pants. My dick lifts up, practically kissing her chin. Fuck me.
She doesn’t feel too young for me with her head in my lap.
OMG. Red alert. Red freaking alert. My face is in my boss’s crotch. My face is pressed against his dick. His dick that’s getting hard against my mouth. And even though I’m more embarrassed than I’ve been in my entire life, I can’t help but notice how impressive it is.
Also, I think I let out the tiniest moan. It was so low I’m sure he didn’t even hear it.
He doesn’t even begin to compare to the boys I’ve dated. And I say boys because they still act like they’re in college. But Mick? He is all man. I bet he knows how to satisfy a woman too. Although I’ve thought about Mick in my bed constantly since I started this job, now is not a good time. Not with my face so close to his… you know.
I push away from him and scramble to my feet. His face is unreadable, and heat crawls up my neck. My gaze falls from his chocolate brown eyes to his stubbled jaw and down the polo stretched across his broad chest to the full tent in his pants. He should shift. He should wheel back under his desk. He should do...something. Instead, he remains unmoved, his hands resting on the arms of the chair, and his magic stick fighting his dress pants. I wish the fabric were thinner and that bad boy could punch his way through.
I bet that thing would come out shining like the star on top of the Christmas tree by my desk. The harps would play. Angels would weep. And I’d fall to the floor—this time intentionally—with my mouth popped open, ready to give it my all.
I’d like to say I’m not a total loser with a crush on her boss, but I’m not a liar. Older men never really did it for me. Not until Mick Weller. He checks all my boxes, and I’d love nothing more than for him to invade my box with that tool in his pants.
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to…” I gesture to his lap. “You know.”
The way his lip quirks in a lazy smile tells me he knows exactly what I’m talking about, but then he shakes his head. “No, I don’t know.”
I’m not touching this situation with a ten-foot pole. Pun not intended. Better to change the subject and move on. I’m certainly not going to talk to my boss about his dick or how sizable it felt. It’s not an appropriate workplace conversation, and I’m sure he doesn’t reciprocate my fascination with him. I’m much too young. I’ve done my fair share of internet sleuthing, and his last girlfriend was actually a few years older than him. There’s no way I’m even on his radar despite his pants tent. My mouth was really close. It’s a perfectly natural male response when there’s a warm hole in such closeproximity. I get it. I’m nothing special.
“So… uh… let me know about lunch.”
He laces his fingers behind his head and leans back in his chair, making his biceps bulge. Too bad I can’t think of another excuse to run my hands over them. “You’re not going to show me the menu?”
“I’m pretty sure you can pull it up yourself.” I walk around to the other side of the desk, putting some much-needed space between us, and getting his groin area out of my field of vision. “In fact, let me leave you to do that in privates. I mean, private.”
His gruff laugh follows me all the way out to my desk where I dive behind it and pretend to be enthralled by expense reports. Five minutes goes by and no sign of Coach Weller. Maybe he’s talking things down. Maybe he’s in an internal debate between the cheeseburger and chicken sandwich.
“Hey, Tessa.” Jake pops his head in from the hallway and grins. “I didn’t know if you’d be here this week.”
A glance toward Coach’s office confirms he’s nowhere in sight and I sag a little in my chair. Jake is one of the afore mentioned rookies and Mick looked less than pleased when I mentioned them stopping by. I’m sure he doesn’t want them becoming a distraction. “I’m just here today and tomorrow. What about you? I didn’t think you all had practice today.”
He props himself on the doorframe, his shirt pulling up to expose the bottom ridge of his abs. The rookies are all flirts. “I stopped by to get some extra time in the gym. You know I like to—”
“What are you doing in here Simmons?” Mick bellows from the doorway on the other side of the office.