“In space?” He asks, raising a brow as if he’s only just considered the possibility. What kind of madman doesn’t think of that first? "Nah. Some stations are cheap, but if they let their force-shields collapse, they're as good as floating debris. No one would dock there again. Plus, the Enforcers and Federation inspect them regularly."
Who would have guessed it, aliens have health and safety regulations too. I wonder if they complain about HR around the water-cooler too? Maybe their break-room has a “days without gravity failure” sign.
"Boarding for my flight hasn't started," Jaraz remarks, eyes scanning the vessels. Looking down has vertigo hitting me again.
This is it. This is the moment he leaves me alone, and I flounder.
“Will you come with me?” he asks.
"Huh?" I look up, stunned.
For someone so imposing, he suddenly seems nervous, shoulders risen and curled inward. The hope and longing on his face is palpable.
"You're asking me?" I gape. Here I was trying to figure out how to stick by his side, and he's offering.
“If you haven’t figured it out by now, I don’t exactly have any money to pay for anything. Not that I’m not willing to find work, but...” I trail off, images of alien strip clubs and other unsavory professions flashing through my mind. I genuinely hope it doesn’t come to that. These hips weren’t made for shaking, if you know what I mean.
Jaraz shakes his head. “I have enough money to provide. I am traveling to meet some friends. Even before Grum, I was trying to avoid attention. As you’ve made quite clear, the authorities tend to overlook a male traveling with his mate. It would be advantageous to travel together.”
"Oh, right," I answer, hope collapsing. This isn't him wanting me, but using me as an asset - just call me arm candy. I flush, berating myself. Of course he's just using me - why would he genuinely want me around? I'm a stranger, a liability. The sooner I accept that, the better.
"No, not at all. I'm grateful you're willing to take me with you." I force a smile. "When do we leave?"
“They are good males, my friends. They will help you—send you back home, or find a new place for you to settle in, or...”
"They could take me back home?" I latch onto the phrase, hope blooming. I'd long since given up that idea. I mean... Can I even go back? I'd probably be locked up, interrogated for life. I can't even imagine settling back into my old waitress job again - I'd become the eccentric woman on the corner ranting about alien invasions. The crazy cat lady, minus the cats.
"I'd like a home," I admit quietly, more to myself. I crave safety, stability. Maybe one day, I'll even meet someone who cares for me. Despite being abducted, the person I am deep inside, anxiety and all, is still there. A girl can dream, right?
"It's agreed then. We'll travel as mates. As long as you're with me, I'll look after you. Anything you need, I'll provide."
This sounds absurd - traveling as an undercover couple. Yet, what choice do I have? At least with Jaraz, I can find my footing. Honestly, there are worse things than pretending to be mated to a hunky alien warrior. I can adapt to this "damsel in distress" scenario.
If I’m being honest with myself, my biggest problem is not falling for him. Famous last words, right? This is totally going to end well for me, I'm sure. Note the sarcasm.
He leads me down the stairs. I cling to him, head down, focusing on each wide step. I'm practically jumping between them with my short legs. For the love of all that's holy, I better not trip now! With my luck, I'd probably bounce right off the forcefield and be the first human to go splat in space.
You know, in this situation, maybe it’s better off to not have proper gravity. If I fell, at least I wouldn't end up with a broken neck. The ability to gently float down would actually be kind of fun, if there were safety harnesses.
Before I know it, I'm staring up at a metal monstrosity. Jaraz said a small ship, but this looms over us, held together with duct tape and dreams. Rust and dents mar the hull - it's like a junk car owned by an extremely poor, blind driver.
Not knowing what else to say, I remark, “I thought you said we were taking a little spaceship!”
"Don't let the captain hear you say that!" Jaraz laughs, the rich sound bringing a smile to my lips. Seems male egos are fragile, even in space.
"It's a starship, not a spaceship," he corrects. "Starships travel between galaxies. Spaceships only go short distances, like between planets."
Short distances - humans have only managed the moon. Yet these guys talk of traveling past planets like it's a day trip. I think aliens have a distorted sense of scale.
I sneak a look at Jaraz. He's pretty tall, towering over other aliens, especially with those massive horns. Large hands, feet. Oh dear...
My feet refuse to move toward this death trap. The realization that I'll be hurtling through space in this tin can gives me second thoughts. Ironic, considering I'm already on a space station.
Okay, I may have an anxiety problem. Without my meds, it's getting worse. Deep breaths.
“Captain!” Jaraz calls out in greeting.
The top half of the captain is humanoid, right down to the lowered brow that glowers at the world. The male’s entire lower body is a massively long, vividly green tail. He’s a real-life Naga.