Before doubt can seize me again and push me into another panic attack, I press the sensor. The door swishes open with a soft buzz.

I'm not usually one for vulgar language, but sometimes the situation calls for it. Like when I dropped that tray of orders all over those poor customers. Or like when I got abducted by aliens... oh wait, that's now.

Creatures of all shapes and sizes bustle about—a menagerie of tails, scales, feathers, fur... is that a cube of jelly just wobbling about its daily business like it's not a weird sight?! . Neon signs blink in alien script, a visual cacophony I can’t hope to understand. Yet, amidst the growls, chirps, and otherworldly sounds, the conversations are oddly comprehensible.

"Oh, fuck me," I murmur through numb lips, swaying precariously. My knees threaten to as reality hits me.

A furry behemoth with a toothy grin turns its attention to me. Its eyes, small and beady beneath a shaggy mane, widen with interest. Dagger-like teeth are bared in what I horrifyingly realize is meant as a smile rather than a prelude to eating me alive. The monster lumbers closer, clearly drawn in by my panicked pheromones.

"Nope, not happening," I say, retreating behind Jaraz's bulk like the sane person I am. There's no shame in tactical repositioning when faced with Cujo's fuzzier, more alien cousin.

Jaraz steps up, his chest broad and challenging. The creature’s ears droop as it backs away. I can’t help a disbelieving laugh as it retreats, looking like I just crushed its dreams of taking me out for non-cannibalistic courtship rituals.

Grum had made it disgustingly clear: human females are valuable in this alien market. The thought had always been a deterrent to my escape. But now, with Jaraz by my side, I feel a flicker of hope.

“If we can reach the marketplace, we’ll be safe,” Jaraz says. “Can you keep up?”

I crane my neck to look at him, really see him. He’s intimidating—crimson skin, abyssal eyes, horns like a crown, and that tail. It’s all so alien, so… alluring in a way I can’t explain.

Why did I just think that? Do I have some sort of Stockholm syndrome? Am I confusing fear with... attraction? Keep it together, Kayla!

At least for the moment, I'm better off sticking with him until I can find my bearings in this crazy universe, because let's face it—I'm not going back to Earth anytime soon. I gave up on that dream long ago.

"Kayla," I say, my throat croaky from disuse. "My name is Kayla."

His eyes widen for a moment, darting between mine. There's a tension between us, as if the universe is holding its breath. I certainly am.

"I am Jaraz," he formally introduces himself, executing a complex hand wave and bowing at the waist. "Given the situation, I suggest you join me for the moment. The guards will be on their way. We can figure out what to do once we are safe."

So, I follow the red giant through a crowd of monsters. My flats slap on the metal flooring with each stiff step.

The crowd parts around us, Jaraz's scowling and growling sending aliens scrambling out of the way. He's pushing through a group of snake-people who hiss at him, but as soon as they see me, they drag their long tails beneath them and profusely apologize.

I snicker. If Jaraz wasn't scary enough, it's as if all these hulking aliens are afraid of little old me. Maybe they think I can spit acid or something. Even by human standards, I'm short and plump - there's nothing scary about me.

And just when I start to relax, to hope I'm finally free, Jaraz beeps. More specifically, the translator in my head beeps. A lot. The guy's got a potty mouth on him.

The crowd is parting for some newcomers, dressed in freaking medieval armor and carrying some very fancy glowing blue swords. On anyone else, I might think they were overcompensating for something. On these guys... dread prickles over my skin.

They look mighty pissed as they head straight towards us.

Because you know, space isn't crazy enough already without adding in a dash of Renaissance Fair rejects to the mix.




The Royal Enforcers stand not far from us, their armor shining in the artificial lights of the station. These are some of the best soldiers in the galaxy - I know because I once trained with them, and at one time, called these males my brothers.

My hand finds the female's, pulling her closer. I'm thankful she doesn't fight me, instead melding into my side. Her blind trust only fuels my urge to protect her more.

I'm making mistakes. Letting Grum lead me into a trap was one. Insisting the female come with me... that felt right, a decision I don't regret. I could abandon her now and go on my way. There's enough Volscians around that I might not be noticed. But I can't leave her defenseless.

Guarding another has become ingrained in me. Even if I'm no longer a Royal Bodyguard, the need to protect will always stay. I can't leave her behind.

I could throw her over my shoulder and make a quick getaway. Running through a space station with a screaming female would get a few odd looks though. There’s probably no faster way to get hunted down by the station guards. Or a brave vigilante.