“I have to go,” I say. My voice is so slight that I think he doesn’t hear me at first because now that Dolos’ announcement has ended, everyone is talking. The roar of the students' voices rises as they begin to file out.

“You—” He reaches for me, but I back up a step, shaking my head.

“I have to find my friend,” I tell him.

He narrows his gaze on me and Kalix peers around his side, curious. “The Terra boy?” he inquires.

I nod, swallowing roughly.

“You can find him later,” Ruen insists. Once again, he reaches for me and once again, I step out of his range. A cloud of darkness descends over his features. “Kiera—”

I don’t wait for his refusal. My heart is thundering in my chest. “I’ll be back,” I swear just before I turn and sprint off.

The curse that follows me is low and vicious. I ignore it as I take the stairs two at a time, diving around Mortal Gods and Terra alike. Where had Maeryn gone? Was she looking for Niall or does she know where he is? She had seemed upset, her face a mask of frustration when she’d sat through the announcements.

I hang right and skid past a familiar face—Malachi—but he doesn’t see me as he boasts that the God Council would only ever come to Riviere because they are the best Mortal Gods in the realm. Even his ridiculous pompousness isn’t enough to give me a reason to snort. I’m too focused on finding the red-haired healer.

Minutes pass by, each stretching longer than the next as I scour the crowd that’s flooding out of the arena for any sign of Maeryn or Niall. Niall would never be the kind to miss an announcement from the Gods. If anything, he would have been one of the first ones here, helping to set things up if needed or offering waters to the Mortal Gods and Divine Beings.

I slam to a stop when Maeryn’s red ponytail catches my attention. Lifting a hand over my head, I wave to her, hoping she sees me. Her head turns and pauses, eyes narrowing. When she spots me, some of the tension drains from her expression. Clear relief etched onto her features. She cuts through the lines of Mortal Gods and Terra towards me and I do the same.

“Where is Niall?”

“Have you seen Niall?”

My question and hers overlap and unfortunately, they answer each other. “You don’t know where he is?” I ask, peering at her as her expression scrunches once more.

Maeryn shakes her head, the long curve of her ponytail swaying at her back. Little wisps of red curls have broken free and linger around her rounded, freckled cheeks. “I haven’t seen him since this morning,” she says. “He would have been here but he wasn’t.”

Fuck. The curse is on the tip of my tongue. Unfortunately, we’re currently surrounded by other Mortal Gods and Terra, so I have to bite it back. Maeryn seems to recognize the issue and before I can say anything, she reaches out and latches onto my wrist.

“Come on, this way,” she orders.

Maeryn pulls me behind her and dives into the mass of bodies. A few people curse—Mortal Gods, of course—some even threaten to skin me when my sides bump theirs. Maeryn doesn’t stop. She ignores them all and so do I.

The two of us make it out of the arena and onto a grassy courtyard near a classroom building. “Niall would never ignore a summons from the Gods,” Maeryn says.

I nod, agreeing. “Where was he the last place you saw him?”

Maeryn parts her lips to answer, but just as she does, I spot a familiar figure, racing down an outer corridor. I frown as Laria’s hair flies behind her head, her dark gray uniform skirt catching at her thighs as she ignores everything around her and sprints towards the end.

Maeryn’s head lifts and turns, following my gaze. Her eyes narrow. “Is that one of the Terra who has been harassing Niall?” Her voice is cold as she asks the question.

“Yes, but—”

She doesn’t wait for me to finish. As soon as she has her answer, she takes off running. This time, I let a curse slip free as I grind my teeth and follow after her.

Chapter 43


Maeryn surprises me. I expect her to catch up to Laria in no time, but she slows her speed as I race behind her—casting careful looks around so that I can keep my speed human and so that we’re not drawing unwanted attention. I’m sure the Darkhavens are furious with me—certainly Ruen will be.

Maeryn waits until Laria turns down a side corridor, slowing her own steps as we make it further away from anyone still lingering near the arena. As if she senses something, Maeryn doesn’t make her move until Rodney comes into view. The larger, bulky, dull-witted man lifts his head, and a hand to wave at his sister, pausing when he spots Maeryn at her back and then me.

Before he can shout or call out in warning, Maeryn is on him. Her body flies past Laria’s and her hand clamps around his throat in an instant. I follow suit, grabbing Laria and covering her mouth with my palm as Maeryn drives the larger of the two into a nearby classroom—empty save for the abandoned seats and the four of us.

The wall shudders as Maeryn slams Rodney against it. She turns to look back at me. “Him too?” she confirms, fury twisting her normally so placid features.