Niall’s brows lower and his lips part, but before he can say anything a shadow falls over both of us. “Well, well, well, if it’s not Niall and the Godless whore.”
I close my eyes and suck in a deep breath. Niall straightens immediately. “D-don’t c-call her that,” he squeaks out.
It’s sweet, truly. Which only pisses me off more. I turn to face the brute known as Rodney. Up close, he’s even uglier than in Ara’s memories. His eyes are far too close together, his lips are thin, practically non-existent, and at the crux of his brows is a furrow of hair that draws them both together. I cross my arms over my chest and look up at him, quirking a brow.
“You certainly don’t mean me, do you?” I inquire lightly.
Rodney ignores me. Instead, he reaches out to shove at Niall, his big meaty hand hitting my friend in the shoulder and sending him sailing back a few steps. My hands curl into fists beneath my elbows. I step in front of Niall as Rodney laughs and goes to shove him again. The big, stupid meathead stops and arches a brow at me.
“Godless whore,” I state. “You don’t mean me, do you?” I repeat the question.
He chortles, the sound half choking and half mocking. “Who else would I mean?” At his back, there’s a girl who shifts closer. Despite her feminine features, she looks similar enough to Rodney for me to recognize that they must be related. Brother and sister, probably. Rodney grins down at me. “Heard that to make up for your disrespect before, you were led to the Day of Descendance and shared with plenty of our Masters. Bet that pussy of yours is well-used by now. I tried to ask my friend here”—Rodney gestures behind me to Niall—“if he’s had a taste yet.”
I let my light grin turn razor-sharp and bare my teeth. “If my body was accepted by the Gods, then how am I Godless?” I ask curious as to what his stupid little pea-sized brain has come up with.
To my pleasant surprise, the girl at his back steps up to his side and answers for him. “If you truly respected the Gods then you would never have disrespected them in the first place,” she sneers at me. “Your remaining presence here is an insult to all Terra.”
“Is that so?” I turn my attention to her and stay there.
Rodney shuffles back a step so that the girl stands in front of him. It’s clear now who the brains of their little harassment is and who is the brawn. “It is,” the girl sniffs in my direction, raising her face and crinkling her nose as if she smells something foul.
I nod as if I’m agreeing with her. “I still don’t understand, though.” I tap my chin thoughtfully.
The girl rolls her eyes, short stubby lashes twitching with the movement. “Of course you don’t,” she grouses. “You’re too stupid to—”
“If I’m an insult to all Terra, why are you harassing this one?” I ask, cutting her off and gesturing to Niall who stands behind me somewhat dumbstruck as he gapes at me and then at the two in front of me.
I can sense the attention of several Terra in the dining hall. Some are pretending to eat their food, but plenty more have lost all pretense and are openly gawking at the four of us. There really is little by way of entertainment for the servants of the Academy if they’re focused on this mess. Though I suppose I shouldn’t really be surprised.
“Because he obviously doesn’t understand the disgrace you made of the rest of us and continues to associate with you,” the girl states matter-of-factly.
If this were the Underworld, it would be simple enough to grab the back of her head and help her meet the top of my knee cap. I imagine it now, locking my fingers into the thick, greasy looking brown mass piled at the back of her head and using it to direct her head into my knee again and again and again. Until her nose was broken and bloodied and her eyes were swollen with tears.
But this isn’t the Underworld and despite my rising temper, I have to deal with this delicately.
“I see.” I step closer, covering the girl’s front as Rodney glares at me over her head. “Well, I should remind you that every Terra here is under ownership of the Mortal Gods and the Divine Beings. Fucking with one of them is, just as you accused me of being, disrespectful to the Gods.” Her shoulders go back and she lifts her chin, though I see by the nervous glint in her eyes that she hadn’t considered that. “I would absolutely hate for Niall’s owner to find out that you harassed her servant without permission.”
“We have permission,” Rodney blurts.
Shock rolls through me, but I temper the reaction and slowly lift my gaze to his. “And just who gave you permission?” I demand.
“That doesn’t matter,” the girl says, coming back to herself. “It’s not disrespect if—”
My hand snaps out, my folded arms falling away as I grab ahold of her wrist as she waves a hand through the air. She sucks in a shocked breath as I contract my fingers around her wrist. Tighter and tighter. “Who gave you permission?” I repeat the question, clearly articulating each word.
“Our Mistress,” Rodney snaps. He reaches for my hand, but I step back out of his reach, dragging his sister with me. “Let Laria go,” he demands.
Laria stares at me and tugs at her hand. I don’t release her. “Who is your Mistress?” I already have a feeling I know, but I want to hear the confirmation.
“Rahela of the Goddess Sigyn’s line,” Laria whimpers as I contract my fingers harder.
“Your Mistress is gone.” Dead. “You were given to a new Master.” Laria tugs without success as she tries to get me to release her. I step even closer until our chests touch and I lower my voice. “If I hear that you’re harassing Niall again,” I warn her. “I will report you for disrespect and I can assure you, his Mistress is not as kind as she seems. She, after all, let me suffer with my wounds without healing for weeks.” I don’t mention that she had offered her help or that she had allowed Niall to bring me food when no one else had been brave enough to.
Laria’s eyes widen and I let go just as she jerks her hand. She stumbles, falling back into her brother’s arms with a yelp. I lower my hands back to my sides and stare at her, waiting for her reaction. If I’m right, she’ll finally notice the eyes all watching us and embarrassment will make her bark something vile only to storm off.
Rodney glares as he helps her straighten. Laria, however, merely brushes him off and glares at me. Her cheeks redden. Right there. Just as I predicted, humiliation burns over her expression and she sneers at me. “No God would believe a Godless whore over the exalted and dedicated Terra.”
I tilt my head to the side and offer her a confident smile. “If that’s so, then you’re welcome to test your theory. After all, I’m sure you were welcomed with open arms to the Day of Descendance party and allowed to dedicate your body to the Divine Beings and their children as well … right?”