Those piercings are stroking places in my pussy that I didn’t know could be stroked. Moving over them with each thrust as he pulls me up, nearly removing me from his cock before thrusting back in. Tears pop into my eyes. I drop my palm away from my mouth and hold on to his shoulders.
“You’re squeezing me so tight,” he says, sounding pleased by the fact.
I want to punch him in the face … after I can get my legs to stop trembling.
It feels like every time he plunges into my core, those metal piercings of his are setting off a thousand little mini-orgasms that have me unable to control the rest of my body. When he starts kicking his legs, driving us across the bath back towards the steps, I cling to him for dear life, feeling bright lights flash behind my closed eyelids as I slam them shut.
There’s only so much a woman can handle and as proud as I am, I’m not sure I can handle Kalix Darkhaven when he has his mind set on fucking a woman senseless.
My ass connects with a step and drops down. Kalix stops—likely because his feet have found purchase a few feet down. Releasing his shoulder with one hand, I reach back and grip one of the steps above my head, holding on as Kalix uses his newfound position and ground to slice through me with his cock. His thrusts grow harder and increasingly more violent.
Water laps at my sides, splashing me in the face. I shake my head, gasping for air as I slip and it covers my head. I reach for him, intending to drag myself up and out again as his face hovers above mine. Just when my hands lock on to his now healed forearm, though, he pulls away, giving me no chance to use him as leverage.
Asshole! I mentally scream.
Rage pours through me and in retaliation, I set my nails to the sides of his abdomen—the parts I can reach and dig them in, breaking the skin. The pain only seems to push him harder though and above the surface, I feel the low vibration of a groan come from him.
Using my new hold, I burst out of the surface, water sluicing off my face and my hair sticking to my cheeks as Kalix laughs. He drops his own hand down over his face, wiping off the spray I’d just sent directly at him. His cock never leaves me though as he continues thrusting, keeping me pinned to the steps of the bath with a palm over my belly, pressing down.
He leans closer, dropping his voice until the low timbre rumbles against me. “Did you know,” he whispers conspiratorially as he shoves his dick so far in and holds it within me that I swear he’s coming up my throat, “that when I’m inside you this deep, I can feel my own cock right … here.” His palm presses harder and my eyes widen when my muscles all tighten as I try not to unleash my bladder.
I glare and bare my teeth at him, feeling like an animal caged in his grasp. “Is this all you have, Darkhaven?” I spit at him. “Or are the bars there to help with your poor performance?”
His head snaps back and his eyes narrow once more, the pupils becoming those slits. His palm slips away from my belly, but before I sigh in relief, he’s dragging his dick from my cunt and flipping me over. My knees hit the steps with too much force despite the water slowing down the momentum and I know I’m going to have bruises later.
A moment later, Kalix’s fingers tangle into my hair, gripping me at the scalp as he uses his hold to yank my head back and his cock fucks back into me in one long stroke. I release a choked moan as those bars hit a new place, setting off more of those mini-orgasms.
“I’ll show you poor performance, little liar,” Kalix hisses in my ear right before he takes the lobe between his teeth and bites down. Hard. I cry out, pain cutting through the flesh there, and feel something wet fall on my shoulder as it hovers above the water’s surface. When he releases me, I turn my head and see the blood there and know that he did that on purpose.
Kalix thrusts into me so hard I nearly slam head-first into the next step. I slap my palm against the step and lift my leg, trying to ease the force of him, but it’s not enough. It had been an offhanded comment, something meant to punish him. Now, it’s backfired and I’m the one being punished anew.
Each shove into my pussy makes me feel like I’m being forced forward. My knees scrape against the steps beneath the water and it isn’t until I feel cold, hard ground under them that I realize, he has been forcing me forward. He’s been leading me with his cock out of the bath and onto the tiled floor surrounding it.
My skin tears against the rough surface and I grit my teeth as the pain hits. Kalix grunts, his low animalistic sounds echoing in the chamber just like the wet, slapping sounds of his hips against my ass.
“I like your rebelliousness,” Kalix says, sounding as if he’s breathless. His cock throbs inside me, the feeling of him swelling making me shudder as sparks dance against my spine, up and then back down. “I’ll even encourage it from time to time.”
I rake my teeth over my lips, tasting more blood. My hands try to hold my own body up and steady, but it’s hard to do. I’m sure my legs are scratched to shit and I blame him as much as I relish in what he’s doing. He makes me feel like I could just put my face to the cool tile and arch my ass up and just let him take me like we’re two wolves in the darkest parts of the Hinterlands—violent animals mating under a full moon. Yet at the same time, he makes me want to wrap my hands around his throat and throttle him.
Kalix groans. “Gods, your fucking cunt is perfect.”
No longer able to use the water as an excuse, now that we’re on semi-dry land, I can tell that the wetness dripping from between my legs is my own. There’s an ache in my abdomen and with a whimper, I clench around him, eliciting another groan from his lips.
I feel taken. I feel marked. I feel owned.
“Theos might have had you first,” Kalix says, his words growing tighter and more clipped as he gets closer to his own release, “but I intend to keep you, little thief. So long as you amuse me, your body is mine. Continue to amuse me and no one ever has to know about your dirty little secret.”
My eyes cloud over with tears as my fingernails dig into the grout of the tiles. A loud smack reaches my ears and I bite back a sob as lightning pulses through me at the sharp pain on my right asscheek as it heats and then spreads into something else. Another smack lands on the other asscheek, louder in the otherwise silent bathing chamber.
Those damn bars rub at a spot inside me so sensitive that the tears run down my face, breaking free from my eyes as that lightning returns at the second slap. This time, it completely consumes me.
Kalix’s hips still, and he pushes in one last time, his cock driving so deep he hits something and the ache there throbs. A low, erotic groan full of masculine pleasure unleashes from his lips as he spills himself inside me. His cum collides with my own, mixing and when he pulls back, it drips out of me onto the floor beneath us, the sound like light tapping.