Page 46 of No Strings Attached

“Morgan, back up,” Sam growled. “Your fingers are grazing the problem you created to begin with.”

His mate moved back, letting his shirt snap back over his sculpted abs. “As soon as your situation resolves itself, I think we should head home. Kellen was nice enough to do this for us, and I don’t want to abuse his kindness.”

Sam glanced up at Morgan. “You just referred to your house as home.”

“Because it is our home, Sam. Did you think I would insist on you being there, mate with you, and then make you leave?”

With everything going on, that had been the furthest thing from Sam’s mind. The mere idea of having a place to call home, and the security that came with it, caused his chest to tighten with emotion.

“I don’t know what to say. You really are too good to be true.”

Morgan smiled softly. “You ready, or do you need a little more time?”

“I’m ready.” Sam set the can on the table before he got up and took the paper bowl his ice cream had been in to the trashcan. Morgan met him halfway, gave Sam the can of soda, and then they walked over to where Kellen was still sitting with the twink.

“We’re ready to call it a day if you are,” Sam said.

Whoever the twink was, he turned and glared at Sam. “Kellen and I aren’t finished talking. Why don’t you take your oversized boytoy back to your table and let him grope you some more?”

“Bitch, I will slap the fucking taste right out of your foul mouth!” Sam tried to climb over the table, but Morgan yanked him back, Sam’s arms and legs flailing. “Let me go so I can beat some manners into this piece of garbage!”

Kellen rose to his feet and looked down at the guy. “Talk shit to my friends again and Sam will be the least of your worries.”

The guy sputtered and jumped to his feet. “Don’t let a little misunderstanding ruin our plans!”

Kellen slid his sunglasses back over his eyes. “The only thing misunderstood was you thinking that giving up some ass would allow you to dis my people.”

“I’m still going to bitch-slap him for disrespecting Morgan.” Sam tried to go dead weight so he could get out of Morgan’s hold, but his mate wasn’t falling for it.

“Calm down, wildcat.” Morgan picked Sam up and tossed him over his shoulder and then walked toward where they were parked.

“If I see you again, I’ll smash a brick over your head!” Sam shouted.

“Threatening someone is illegal, Sam,” Morgan said.

“Put me down, Morgan. My back is starting to hurt.”

“You can’t try to leap over a fucking picnic table, Sam. Now you’re in pain.” Morgan set Sam on his feet.

Sam spun around and ran back toward the table. The twink squeaked and took off in the opposite direction just as Morgan grabbed Sam around his waist. “Using your injury to get away from me isn’t cool.”

“I’m not letting anyone talk about you like that!” Sam was so angry he wanted to punch something. “Straight up, if I see him again, I’m beating the brakes off of the motherfucker. If you want to arrest me for threatening him, go right ahead. That will only give me another reason to rip those strands of overprocessed hair right out.”

Kellen caught up to them and shook his head. “I’m not the one you need to call to watch your back. Sam has that covered in spades. All that hyena has to do is talk shit about you and Sam will end him.”

“Pick your hookups better,” Sam said.

Kellen chuckled. “I’m just looking to get my rocks off. There’s only one need I have for that guy’s mouth.” He slid his glasses down and looked at Sam. “I take back my offer of friendship. After the way you just defended your mate, we’re family, Sam.”

“Then give me his name,” Sam demanded. “I’ll hunt his ass down.”

His back really was hurting. Even though being mated to Morgan would speed up the healing process, Sam was far from ready to jump over a table and fight someone.

“While I would find you kicking that guy’s ass entertaining, I’m not falling out with Morgan,” Kellen said. “I have to protect one of the few remaining friendships I have.”

“If you’re done being amused by this situation, I want to get my mate home, Kellen.” Morgan grabbed Sam’s hand and continued, “I’m not letting you go until I have you in the car. You’ll just go after him again.”

“You might want to keep a tight hold on him until you get home,” Kellen said. “Sam just might jump out the window if he sees the guy.”