Page 40 of No Strings Attached

Morgan’s eyes narrowed. “Is your back hurting?”

“One tiny twitch,” Sam said with sass. “Don’t you dare penalize me for it. If I can’t have your cock in my mouth, then you better thrust it into my ass.”

“I’m not going to put a stop to this, only because you were honest with me.” He rose to his knees, his impressive cock saluting Sam, making his hole clench around Morgan’s fingers.

“Don’t kneel there like you’re having second thoughts. I’ve been deprived of my ass getting pounded for too many years. I’ll cuff you to the bed and ride your dick if I have to.”

When Morgan smirked, Sam was positive the guy was up to something. He had a mischievous look in his eyes as he eased his fingers out of Sam’s ass and climbed off the bed.

Now what? Had Sam gone too far with his threat? He’d been kidding, but not. If he had to resort to begging, he would.

Morgan opened one of his dresser drawers, then turned away with a pair of handcuffs in his hand.

“You want to shackle me to the bed?” Sam became increasingly anxious as Morgan drew closer.

“Something tells me you’re not going to take it easy.” Morgan walked with a sexy gait back to the bed. “If I see you moving more than you should, I’m securing your wrists to the headboard.”

“But won’t that stretch my arms, which would stretch my back?” Sam swallowed roughly as he stared at the silver bracelets. “And does that mean I have to lie still like a stiff board?”

Setting the cuffs on the nightstand, Morgon crawled onto the bed and knelt between Sam’s legs again. “Good point. So if you move too much, we’ll just stop.”

Relief flooded him that the handcuffs were no longer part of the equation.

“Besides, I can see the apprehension in your eyes.” Morgan ran the pad of his thumb over Sam’s cheek. “It’s okay to tell me no, Sam. I won’t get pissed that you don’t want to do anything that makes you nervous.”

“It’s just not something I want to try.”

“Which is perfectly fine.” Morgan winked. “But I was serious about stopping if you move too much.”

“But I like moving during sex,” Sam whined. “I love thrusting back when I’m on my hands and knees or bouncing when I’m riding a cock. I can also bend and twist in so many different ways.”

Morgan traced a finger over Sam’s belly, making his stomach muscles contract. “While I can’t wait for you to get wild, I don’t want you setting back your recovery, Sam. I’m not going to think you’re a dead lay because we have to be careful. There’s no negotiating this.”

He would prefer to straddle Morgan’s lap, but he knew he wasn’t up for it. Not when he was only days into his second recovery. Dr. Baldwin would kill them both if Sam had to return to the clinic, or worse, the hospital.

There was no way in hell Sam wanted to lie in a hospital room for days on end again. It had been so mind-numbingly boring that he would rather throw himself off a cliff.

“Fine, it’s a deal.” Sam groaned and rolled his eyes. “Don’t blame me if our first time is a fizzle instead of a bang.”

“The fireworks will come soon enough.” Morgan chuckled then grabbed the bottle of lube.

Just that fast Sam forgot what they were talking about. He was too busy watching Morgan generously lather his cock with lube, moving his hand so sensually that Sam was panting.

“I could have done that for you,” Sam said. “I’m not that helpless.”

“If you’re up for it later, you can play with my dick to your heart’s content.” Morgan winked. “But there is one thing I forgot to mention.”

Sam’s panting grew deeper, his mouth watering for just one taste. “What?”

“In order to seal our bond, I’m going to have to bite your shoulder with my sharp canines.”

That threw an ice bucket over Sam’s lust. “Will it hurt?”

“From what I’ve heard, for only a second, before your orgasm rocks your very foundation. But the bite transfers some of my healing properties to you through my saliva. It’s also what binds our souls.”

Sam would endure a little pain if it meant he would be on his feet again, sooner rather than later.

But it wasn’t just about healing or having sex with Morgan, though both were huge bonuses. Sam wanted to belong to Morgan, because he’d never felt this way toward anyone before. Dr. Baldwin had said it would be a connection like nothing else, though Sam was paraphrasing since he didn’t remember the exact words.