“Trying to make friends with her. Don’t move. You might make her back away.”
Austin crossed his arms and sat on the arm of the couch. “I should have let her use the bathroom before we went into the café. I was just so exhausted that I wasn’t thinking.”
It seemed it was Austin who was now extending the olive branch, and Cormac took it. “I was grumpy this morning. I’m normally a chill guy.”
Lila inched closer, still sniffing at Cormac.
“Orion told me you’re a nice guy, even if your brothers argue otherwise.”
“We’re brothers. Of course they think I’m a tyrant.” Cormac smiled when Lila turned over, showing her belly. A breakthrough. “I’m the oldest, so I’ve had to put my foot in their ass from time to time.”
He slowly reached out and scratched her belly, chuckling when she yapped playfully.
“She’s actually being nice to you,” Austin said with awe in his voice. “Can I see your cat?”
Cormac’s grin grew as he continued to scratch Lila. “You’ll definitely meet him, but right now, I’m gaining Lila’s trust.”
“She’s everything to me,” Austin said, his voice laced with sadness.
Cormac wanted to ask what situation he’d run from. Orion had said that Austin had been in a not-so-pleasant situation, but that could mean anything.
He reached up and broke off a piece of his hamburger and then fed it to her. Lila devoured it then sniffed around for more.
“Bribery?” Austin asked.
“Whatever works.” Cormac fed her another piece. “She’s very protective of you. I noticed that this morning.”
“We’re all each other has.” Austin cleared his throat. “I came in here to make sure she wasn’t attacking you. I guess I can go back outside.”
“Or you could get your plate and join me in here.” Cormac pushed back to his knees, kneeling there as Lila sniffed around the floor clearly looking for another piece of meat. “You can bring her a plate, too.”
“Are you sure?” Austin asked. “I can take her outside if you want to eat in peace.”
“I don’t mind the company.” He pushed up enough to sit back on the couch. Lila put her front paws on the cushion and then looked at Cormac, as if unsure she was allowed up there.
“Um, okay. Let me go get my food. I’ll be right back.”
“Tiny Terror and I will be right here.” Cormac lifted Lila up and set her next to him.
A soft smile graced Austin’s mouth. Cormac saw that his mate had dimples before he walked away.
“I’m going to win him over,” he said to Lila. “Too bad you can’t tell me what’s going on with him.”
Cormac grabbed the remote, turning the television on while he waited for Austin to return, his smile widening at the thought of spending time with his spunky mate.
Chapter Three
As Austin got halfway through the gorgeous kitchen, his phone buzzed. He stopped and pulled it out of his fanny pack, glad that Cormac was no longer pissed at him.
His smile fell when he saw it was his mom. She’d texted him, asking why he wasn’t home.
Austin sat on one of the stools in the kitchen, trying to decide how to answer her. He wasn’t sure he wanted to tell her he was three states away. Right now, he didn’t want anyone to know where he was.
Not that Jaycee knew her. His mother had never come by his apartment when Austin lived across from his neighbor-turned-stalker.
For now, he would just have to lie to her. His mom wouldn’t intentionally put him in harm’s way, but if by some chance Jaycee found out about her, he could trick her into telling him where Austin was.
Since his mom thought he was overreacting, Jaycee might not have to trick her. She was a legit busybody and loved to gossip. If Jaycee told her he worked with Austin, she’d tell the guy whatever he wanted to know.