Lila licked his chin as he took the footpath to the front door. The door swung open even before Austin had a chance to ring the bell.
“Austin!” Aunt Paloma gave him a tight hug before she stood back, looking him over. “How was your drive?”
“Long.” His smile felt wobbly, which told him how tired he truly was.
Her gaze lowered as she looked at Lila. Austin had neglected to tell her he had a dog and prayed she didn’t have a fit about Lila staying there.
“How cute. Boy or girl?”
“Girl,” Austin replied. “Her name is Lila.”
“Come in, you two.” She ushered them inside and then closed the door. “Are you hungry?”
Austin’s head was pounding and his entire body hurt from sitting for so long. “I just need a bed right now, if that’s okay with you. We can definitely eat and catch up after I’ve slept.”
“Of course, hon.” She showed him to a room with lively, colorful bedding that smelled like a strong incense had been recently burned. “You can use the guest room for as long as you need. Do you need me to bring your bags inside?”
Austin had packed in a hurry, so he hadn’t brought much with him. “I can get my bag when I wake up. Please don’t put yourself out for me.”
“Nonsense.” She waved away his concern. “You get as much rest as you need. I’ll take care of everything else.”
“Where’s Orion?” Austin always liked his cousin, and truth be told, he’d always been envious of the guy. He had a warm and caring mom, whereas Austin’s mom thought he was making a big deal out of nothing when he’d told her someone was stalking him.
She’d actually told him that he needed a girlfriend in his life instead of living in a fantasy world, knowing damn well he was gay. Though she refused to acknowledge his homosexuality.
Paloma kissed his cheek, squeezing his upper arm. “You don’t have to tell me what you’re going through, honey, but just know I’m here for you if you decide you want to talk.”
Why couldn’t she have been his mom? Paloma’s brother—Austin’s father—had been just like her, until he’d said he couldn’t deal with his wife and her ways anymore, walking out one night and leaving Austin behind.
Austin shoved those thoughts away, refusing to think about his dad.
“He’s at his boyfriend’s house,” she said. “He wanted me to call him when you arrived so he could see you, but I’ll hold off until you’ve rested.”
“You’re such a darling.” He returned the kiss. “I just want you to know how much I appreciate this.”
Austin’s mom and Paloma were night and day. At least Paloma didn’t care that Orion was gay. He recalled the night he and Orion had talked on the phone when they were teenagers, and Orion told Austin that he’d just come out to his mom and she hadn’t batted an eye, telling him she loved him no matter what.
When Austin had come out to his own mom, she acted as if he hadn’t said a word to her, telling him about the women in her knitting group and how one of them was cheating on her husband.
And that was how it had gone since. Anytime Austin had mentioned anything about a guy he was seeing, she changed the subject. Orion had the support of his mom, while Austin felt deflated and hurt that his mom couldn’t accept him for who he was.
“Get some rest. I have plenty of food to plow you with when you wake,” Paloma said. “You’re too skinny. Haven’t you been eating right?”
Austin grinned. Anytime he’d visited her in the past, she’d tried to put twenty pounds on him. Paloma was also an exceptional cook, whereas Austin’s mom ordered a lot of take-out.
Then when he’d moved out on his own, with no cooking skills of his own, he’d fallen into the habit of ordering take-out. It was surprising he didn’t weigh more because take-out food wasn’t the healthiest of choices.
He definitely preferred home-cooked meals.
“Are you sure you don’t mind Lila being here?” Austin asked. “I was so busy asking you if I could come stay that I totally forgot to mention her.”
“Relax, Austin.” Paloma’s smile was bright and beautiful. “I have no problem with dogs.”
“She doesn’t really like strangers, so she might bark at you.”
Expect she’d liked Ajax, which still had Austin scratching his head.
“Then we will have to become friends. I’ll just feed her my food until we’re besties.” She touched his hair. “I love the purple and blue. It brings out your light green eyes.”