Page 1 of Midnight Rain

Chapter One

Austin Pierce had thought about going straight to his Aunt Paloma’s house as soon as he entered Midnight Falls, but after the excruciating long drive, he needed a caffeine fix badly. He wasn’t sure he would make it to her house if he didn’t get one.

As he drove through the small town, he was impressed with the tree-lined streets, the sidewalk signs outside of businesses, and planters hanging from posts, basically with the overall ambience of the place. The town felt cozy and quaint, which made Austin hope this was the last time he had to pack up and run.

When he spotted a sign on a building that read Bluebird Café, he pulled into one of the slanted parking spaces and turned off his car.

“So, what do you think, Lila?” he asked his cream-colored chihuahua, who was up on two legs, looking out the passenger window. “Do you think we’ll be okay here?”

Lila got down, turned, and barked at Austin.

“I hope so, too.” He grabbed her from the seat, tucked her under his arm, and got out. Then Austin inhaled the country air, the heavy scent of pine everywhere.

“This is going to be a good place for us. I can just feel it.” He locked his car, and then walked into the café. Austin looked around at the décor, loving how cozy it felt inside the place.

“Can I help you?”

Austin looked over his shoulder at the guy behind the counter. Handsome didn’t even cover it. The stranger was tall as hell, with blondish-brown hair that looked as if it had been swept back by the wind. He also had visible tattoos, which made him appear rough around the edges.

“I need caffeine,” Austin said. “Lots and lots of it.”

The guy smiled. “Name’s Ajax.”


“Well, Austin, did you have a specific drink in mind, or do you want me to surprise you?”

Austin had had enough surprises to last him a lifetime. “For now, I’m going to be boring and just order a regular coffee.”

“Coming right up,” Ajax said.

When Lila began to squirm, Austin set her down. “You better behave in here and not tear anything up.”

He’d lost a few pairs of shoes and other things to her bad habit. Austin had tried to break her of it, had even gone to a trainer when he was unsuccessful, but she still tore up his things.

But Austin loved her to pieces. She’d been the only one there when his troubles had started. She’d comforted him when he’d needed it the most, and she was an excellent security system, barking whenever anyone had been near his door.

He straightened and turned back to the counter as she trotted off, sniffing everything as she explored. There were a few people already in the café, sitting on couches or on the patio that he could see past a large window.

The bell over the door jingled, but Austin was too busy feening for his coffee to look, though he felt a presence behind him.

It’s not him. There’s no way he knows where you are. Just chill and don’t go into panic mode.

Austin took several deeps breaths as his anxiety tried to take over, forcing himself not to see who was behind him.

Ajax finally turned, sliding a coffee toward Austin. “Here you go.”

Austin smiled. “You’re a lifesaver.”

“One of the many hats I wear.”

Ajax smiled as Austin pulled out his credit card from his designer fanny pack. He’d always gotten strange looks or heard snickering whenever someone saw him wearing it, but he didn’t care. Austin had fallen in love with it on sight and had to have it.

Those who laughed just didn’t have a sense of fashion.

Lila began to bark, and Austin knew that was his cue to leave. Ajax had been cool about him bringing his dog inside, and Austin didn’t want her banned from the café he planned on visiting often while in town.
