Page 28 of Gunner

“Club business. I have to go, but I’ll be back as soon as I can.” He rises from the couch and shrugs on his black leather cut that’s laying on the frame of the sofa. “Make sure your doors are locked and don’t answer for anyone.”

I can’t tell if I should be expecting some hooligan to come knocking, or if this is what James’ll say every time he leaves.

“Sure, Dad.” I cock an eyebrow at him. “I have been living on my own for many years, you know.”

“Still the same smartass.” He grins, bending down to kiss me once more.

“Some things never change,” I sass, but the sudden shift in his mood gives me pause. So I steal another kiss before he leaves and quickly lock up behind him.

Once he’s gone, a nagging feeling keeps pricking at me, but I’m sure I’m overreacting. James is tough and can handle himself just fine. And I’m sure he’d have told me if there was something I should be worried about.


I decide to push the concerning thoughts away and go back to watching the animated kid’s movie with my son.

A couple of hours later, I get up from my cozy corner of the couch to head to the kitchen. “How about a snack, honey? Or something to drink?”

“Juice, please,” Caleb requests, never taking his eyes off movie number two for the day. It’s a cartoon ninja flick we’ve seen a thousand times, but if it keeps him occupied while I give my sore body some much-needed rest, I’ll gladly watch it again.

I’m pouring two glasses of apple juice when a loud crash cuts through the air, causing me to jump and almost drop the bottle I’m holding.

Immediately, I’m concerned my baby has hurt himself and I sprint to the living room to investigate the noise. Only to find that one of the front windows next to the entrance is completely shattered and my door is wide open. And I don’t see Caleb anywhere. Panic rises in my throat and?—


My body goes limp and my knees drop onto the rug-covered floor. Something hard slammed against the back of my head, blurring my vision and making me dizzy. I try to blink away the tiny white specks seemingly floating across my eyes, but it doesn’t help and I fall to the ground. Then a man with dirty black jeans, a dingy gray t-shirt, and a scraggly beard stands over me with a fierce look in his eyes. My vision is failing me and I can’t make out the other features of his face. But those intense, beady eyes scare me.

Sharp throbs bang inside my skull as the sneering man leans down, grabbing a fistful of my hair and jerking me up. I claw at his wrists, trying desperately to get free but he doesn’t budge in the slightest, my scalp burning with pain. Then his fist connects with the side of my face, my head whipping toward my shoulder. The coppery taste of blood fills my mouth as my teeth ache from clanging together.

“Caleb…” I weakly call out but my voice is quiet and barely above a whisper.

The man slaps me hard, making my ears ring, my cheek feeling like it might explode from beneath my skin. “Fucking Disciple whore. We warned you,” he grits out, his hot, damp breath reeking of stale cigarettes and booze. Then he pushes me away, my back slamming against the couch as lightning shoots from my spine to my limbs, while broken glass on the floor tears at my bare feet.

But even in the midst of an assault, I can’t stop myself from searching the room for my son. Please let him be safe. Please… I’m praying Caleb has hidden himself away somewhere, under his bed or in his closet. Any place but here, where he could witness some strange man hurting his mommy.

Bile burns my throat at the thought when the intruder’s foot sweeps out, connecting with my ribs, and lifts me a few inches off the ground. The wind is knocked from my lungs as I cry out in agony, violent tears stinging my eyes and running down my cheeks. My consciousness begins to fade and I don’t know how long I stay crouched on the floor as he rains down more kicks and brutal punches. The pain is unbearable as my body grows numb and my mind drifts to a place where I can sleep. Where I can pretend this is all a nightmare and I’ll wake up any minute with my baby safe and sound, and James holding the both of us.

Caleb… His beaming face is smiling at me and I reach out to grasp his little hands.

But the image of my happy boy disappears when a heavy fist meets the side of my head above my ear, and everything goes dark with my hand still outstretched, in search of my son.

Every muscle I have is pulsing and I can almost hear the throbbing, as if it’s a separate entity living outside my body. I don’t know how much time has passed since I lost consciousness, but everything aches and I almost have to physically pry my eyelids open. I don’t give a damn though. I have to find my son.

“Ca… Caleb…” My voice is hoarse as it passes over my swollen lips. No answer. I call for him again, growing frantic when he doesn’t respond. Mustering up my strength, I shout, “Baby, Mommy needs you to come out now! Please! Come out from hiding!” Still no response. “Caleb! Please answer Mommy!”

I’m sobbing when I hear nothing but silence and realize that my attacker is no longer here, but neither is my son. Unspeakable dread floods my veins and I’m paralyzed by fear. Not for myself, but for Caleb.

Why did they take my baby?

Adrenaline suddenly kicks in as I frantically search for my phone, finding it beneath the coffee table. I drag myself across the floor, using one arm to pull my body forward while my other clutches at my injured ribs. The pain threatens to consume me, taking me back into the darkness to sleep. But I force myself to stay awake, my fingers moving on the touchscreen of my phone to call the person I need most right now.

“Sunshine,” he answers and his baritone voice gives me a small dose of relief, even though it’s accompanied by a rush of tears.

Stilted sobs slip from my mouth. “They… He… Caleb’s gone.”

I hear his rapid breathing through the line. “What about Caleb?” Controlled panic is evident in his tone.

I lick my busted lips. “Someone… They broke into the house… They took my baby, James! Why? Why did they take my son?!” I’m wailing now, unable to hold back my emotions, my body shaking from pain and hysteria.