“I have my own house now, babe. I make damn good money doing what we do for the club, and I’m getting too old to keep staying there all the time with those wild-ass motherfuckers.” He smiles when he mentions his brothers. “I grabbed my go-bag and a few days’ worth of clothes. You and I have some catching up to do.”
I don’t know why it didn’t occur to me that he’d have his own place. Of course, he does; we’re adults. Knowing he doesn’t have to stay at my house as an escape from club chaos but instead chooses to do so makes my insides melt a little more.
This man is choosing me. He’s choosing to be here when he doesn’t have to be.
I don’t remember the last time anyone did that. The gears in my head are still churning when I turn back to the mirror and finish washing my face. James stalks toward me until his front is pressed against my back, and I stare at him questioningly in our reflection.
“What are you doing?”
“We’re gonna shower, and then I’m taking you to bed. After your punishment.” He smirks.
I thought he was kidding about that…
I glance up at him from over my shoulder. “But Caleb?—”
“Is sleeping. Just as he was last night. So, if you’re so worried, then you need to be a good girl and keep quiet.”
I bite my lower lip. “First, I didn’t think you were serious about spanking me, seeing as how I’m an adult and not a child.”
James raises an eyebrow as if he disagrees.
“And second, what will Caleb think when he sees that you slept over… again?” We were able to get by with a lame excuse this morning, but I don’t think that’ll fly more than once.
James’s hand snakes around to my lower stomach and he tugs me closer. “He’ll think I’m not going anywhere anytime soon, which is true. I told you before, Lil. You’re mine. And so is Caleb. So you both need to get used to seeing me like this.” He narrows his gaze. “I thought I made myself clear before.”
I sigh. “James, I?—”
“This isn’t up for debate.”
Mild irritation begins to simmer beneath the surface of my skin. How dare he come into my home and order me around? He’s not the boss of me.
Well… sometimes he is.
He doesn’t back down though. Instead, he turns my body to face him. “I’ve always wanted you, Lil. Nothing about that has changed. My only regret was letting you go that day. I should have followed after you, but like a dumbass, I didn’t. And maybe shit would be different now if I had. But we’ll never know. What I do know is that you’re here with me, and I will not lose you again. So, if I have to remind you of this every fucking day for the rest of our lives, then that’s just what I’ll do.”
I swallow the lump in my throat as his words wrap around me like a weighted blanket. Many nights, I wondered where life would’ve taken me if I hadn’t left. Would we be married now? Would Caleb be his and not Striker’s? Should I have stayed and made him fight for us? Those coulda, woulda, shouldas only made my heart break a little more. Just the daydreams of a lovesick teenager turned single mom.
But now, it seems I don’t have to wonder. And everything I wanted ten years ago might truly be within reach if I can just let go. If I can get out of my own way and accept the happiness being offered to me.
I close my eyes and breathe James in, savoring the closeness of his body to mine. “Okay.”
“Thank you for your consent.” He bends forward to kiss my forehead. “But just so you know, no wasn’t an option.”
My eyes pop open and I crane my neck to catch his heated gaze.
“Now, get your sexy ass in the shower with me. I have big plans for you tonight.”
I’m not sure what that means, but I’m both scared and excited to find out.
Steam billows out from the bathroom as I pad across the carpet toward the bed. Suddenly, James whips the towel off my body and pulls me onto his lap as he sits at the end of the mattress. “Now, it’s time for your punishment.”
“Wait, James?—”
“No more waiting. I want you, Lily. And I’m gonna have you. But this is a necessary evil before you get this dick.”