Granted, I don’t usually stay long for these things and I’ve damn sure never brought anyone with me. It’s mainly for the brothers with ol’ ladies and kids, and a chance for us boys to blow off some steam. But it’s a family event, and my only family is my club. So I never felt much like participating and stayed off to the side or hung out in the clubhouse with all the other single brothers.
But not anymore.
This morning, when I got the reminder on my phone about the cookout, I felt excited to go for the first time. And I had the sudden urge to declare Lily as mine to anyone and everyone. Bringing her here was the quickest and easiest way to show my chosen family just how serious I am about this woman and her son. And from the looks on their faces, they see it too.
There’s a bigger crowd today than I expected, with lots of people milling around out back. Several brothers man the smoker and grill; others sit at the picnic tables or by the unlit firepit. All talking and drinking and wearing big-ass dopey smiles. Some of the ol’ ladies are organizing food at the buffet while the kids run around, weaving through the adults like a human maze. I glance down at Caleb, who’s standing between me and Lily and gazing enviously at the other children.
“You want to go play?”
His head whips up as he looks at me with an eager smile. “Can I?”
“Yeah, why not?” I shrug, but then turn my gaze on Lily. “As long as it’s alright with your mama.”
“Sure, sweetie, go play. But don’t wander off so far that I can’t see you,” she warns.
His bright-green eyes sparkle with energy and he runs over to a small group of boys. I watch as he immediately introduces himself, proud of him for being confident among kids he doesn’t know. They all exchange names before darting off to who knows where, but I’m sure they’ll be getting into trouble in no time. I look over at Lily, a happy smile on her face while she watches her boy make new friends.
“Come on. I got some people for you to meet.” I lead her with my hand at the small of her back, fingering the silky fabric of her coral-pink dress.
I spot Sentinel and Throttle talking with their women and laughing over beers by the grill. Lily tenses beneath my hand when she spots Emma and Sienna.
Not sure what’s going on in her head, I lean down to whisper in her ear. “Relax, baby. They won’t bite.”
She whispers back, “They’re so pretty,” before gripping the container in her hands and looking down at her dress.
“Not a woman here has a thing on you, gorgeous.” I nip her earlobe and feel a shiver run down her spine. “Do I need to spank you to remind you how beautiful you are?”
“Not for the reminder, but maybe you can spank me anyway.” A playful smile teases her lips and I can’t help stealing a kiss.
“That’s my girl. C’mon.”
Her apprehension returns, but she nods, clutching the brownies harder in her hands.
As soon as we get in front of the guys, their eyes dart between me and Lily. Then Throttle sends me a wolfish grin. “Well, now, who’s this?”
“This is Lily, my woman.”
Throttle’s grin gets bigger, but Sentinel almost chokes on his beer.
Lily shoots me a look, as if to say this is news to her, but I ignore it. I’ve made it clear how I feel about her, so there’s no reason to beat around the bush with my brothers. She already knows she’s mine, and now they know it too.
“Gunner’s woman, huh? Well, it’s nice meeting you.” Throttle shakes Lily’s hand while Sentinel raises his bottle and tips his head to her.
Sentinel’s ol’ lady steps forward and offers her hand. “I’m Emma. I’m with the grumpy one back there.” She hikes her thumb in the direction of my club VP. “Whatcha got there?” She eagerly points at the large plastic container.
“Oh, I brought brownies. I hope everyone likes them. They’re triple chocolate.” Lily laughs nervously before biting down on her pillowy soft lip.
Sienna pipes up. “I’ll eat anything chocolate. Gimme.” Her hands open and close in a grabby gesture and Lily giggles.
“This is true. She stashes it all over the damn house.” Throttle raises an eyebrow at Sienna.
“That’s because you eat it all before I get a chance to have any,” she huffs, poking a red-painted fingernail into his chest.
“I disagree. But I won’t argue with a lawyer.”
Sienna is a defense attorney, but now she mainly works for our club.
“Damn right, you won’t. Because you know what’s good for you.” She smirks, and heat flashes in Throttle’s eyes when Sienna licks her lips. They can’t keep their damn hands off each other. It’s like arguing turns them on or something.