Page 16 of Gunner

“Every single inch of you belongs to me now, Lily. And I love it all.” He crawls over my body and tilts my chin to make me look at him. “Never forget that you’re beautiful and you’re mine.”



The smell of bacon lures Caleb out of his room. His face lights up when he steps into the kitchen and sees James already sitting at the table.

“What are you doing here?” He beams.

“Sweetie, James stayed the night because it was too dark for him to drive home safely.”

My son tilts his head, but remains quiet.

“We stayed up too late, past our bedtimes.” I shrug, settling on a lame excuse, and praying he buys it. In my peripheral, I can see James’s mouth twitch as he lifts a piece of bacon to his lips. I’m prepared to keep filling the hole with more bullshit, but Caleb takes a seat next to James, seemingly content with my reasoning.

I walk the biscuits over to the table and sit across from my little boy. The two of us flanking an intimidating, sexy, teddy bear of a biker who seems out of place in my home, yet also like he belongs. I internally smile as we all start digging in, our plates piled high with food. Over the next thirty minutes, Caleb’s barrage of questions continues as he asks James everything from what kind of motorcycle he rides to his favorite fruit. And instead of being annoyed, this mountain of muscle and tattoos peppers my son with questions about school, his friends, and his favorite games. I feel something inside me click into place, as if pieces of a puzzle were missing and now they’re all here.

Warmth spreads through my chest as these two boys talk at my kitchen table. My boys.

“I like school. It’s fun, and I have lots of friends in my class. My teachers are nice too.”

“Tell me something new you learned yesterday,” James requests before taking the last bite of his eggs—scrambled with cheese and barely undercooked. I didn’t forget.

Once we finish eating, the boys help me clear the table, bringing all the dishes to the sink. As soon as he’s done, Caleb darts away, retreating to the living room to play with his toys, while James leans against my counter, one ankle crossed over the other and his beefy arms across his chest.

“What are your plans today?”

“Nothing, really. Just cleaning the house, maybe running a few errands.”

“Well, your plans have changed, and you’re coming with me.” He smirks when I gape at him.

“I beg your pardon?”

“We’re having a family cookout at the clubhouse, and I want you with me.” His tone is matter-of-fact, leaving little to no room for argument.

I blink at him, then return to rinsing our plates and loading the dishwasher. “A family cookout?”

“You heard me, babe. You and Caleb are coming with me.” James grins, but I don’t return his sentiment. And I’m not sure I appreciate the demand. Not because I don’t want to go, but because I’m feeling bratty and he’s telling, not asking me.

I glare at him now. “I am not going.” I close and start the washer, before turning my back to the counter and mimicking his stance. “And besides, don’t you think this is fast? I mean, the club is your family, so you basically just asked me the equivalent of meeting your parents.”

“Which, technically, you already have.”

My eyes roll before I can stop them. “Don’t be cute.”

“Aw, babe. You think I’m cute?” He laughs at my deadpan stare. “Why delay the inevitable?”

Is it inevitable though?

I loudly exhale, then pivot to look out my kitchen window. “I don’t know, James.” I pause, my head suddenly consumed with varying thoughts. “We haven’t seen each other in God knows how long, and now you want me to meet everyone from the club like we’ve spent no time apart? Like we’ve been together for all these years, and nothing has changed. I?—”

“If you’re uncertain, I’ll be certain for the both of us.” His expression is intense when he grips my shoulders and forces me to face him. “I want you, Lil. I’ve always wanted you. And back then, I thought I had to let you go, let you find your own way. But you’ve come back to me now, and I’ll be damned if I ever let you go again.” He holds my gaze, searching my face for the moment I concede.

What if, for once, I just… let go? Block out the noise in my head, all the doubts and insecurities? Take a chance and choose to believe this man, a man I’ve loved since we were foolish teenagers running around without a care in the world? What if I don’t get my heart broken this time, and instead, I get everything I want, the life I’ve always dreamed about… with James?

And just like that, my doubts evaporate into the air. I came back here for a reason, and that reason is standing right in front of me. I’d be stupid to walk away from him, from his love, again.

His heavy hands slide up to cup my face in his calloused palms. “Be good for me and say you’ll go.”