I sprint away from the truck, my brothers running too. Country’s SUV with Stitch and Bear inside is parked about fifty yards away, but at least the boys are inside and will have some cover, assuming it’s not a big blast. But who the fuck knows?
We manage to get about fifty feet out when the explosion launches me forward and I collide against the ground with a forceful thump. My ears are ringing and we’re surrounded by smoke, but I search around for my brothers, seeing they’re all in about the same shape as I am, confused and shook up. Heat licks at my back when I look over my shoulder to see flames engulfing the truck, the dead waitress inside.
This could’ve been so much fucking worse. They could’ve weighed that truck down with bombs. But then again, why waste good explosives if you aren’t planning on taking out a bunch of people? If I had to guess, Striker and the Outlaws hid a pipe bomb near the fuel tank, using the girl as bait to lure us closer while aiming to kill whoever showed up for the truck.
They want to play with fire, then we’ll burn every last one of those motherfuckers to the ground. And I’ll save Striker for last. So I can take my fucking time…
I hear the sound of sirens wailing in the distance. It’s the middle of the day and we’re not too far from some old warehouses. I’m sure someone’s out there working and called the cops after hearing the explosion. We need to get the hell out of here.
Crusher helps me to my feet, coughing as he drags fresh air into his lungs. “Get to Lily, brother. Country and Boner will take the boys to the clubhouse for Doc to fix them up. I’m right behind you.”
I don’t want to leave my brothers behind, but the longer I stay, the longer those Outlaw cocksuckers get to live.
Besides, Lily needs me right now. I’ll take care of her, then I’m getting her son back. If it’s the last thing I motherfucking do, Caleb is coming home. And Striker and anyone else who had a hand in this shit will suffer slowly and painfully until I’ve had my fill, which will be fucking never.
The boys took one look at me and started losing their minds. James punched a hole in the wall while Sentinel called for an ambulance. He said that while he had every faith in Doc, he wanted to make sure I was okay. Plus, Doc had his hands full taking care of Stitch and Bear after some kind of explosion that James promised to tell me about later.
Turns out, I have two broken ribs, a fractured cheekbone, a badly sprained wrist, a concussion, and a few shallow gashes from the broken glass that required stitches. And my body is bruised to all hell. It’s going to take some time to heal, but at least I’m still alive.
I’m pretty sure that man intended to kill me; though I’m not sure why he didn’t. Maybe he thought I was dead when I was unconscious, or maybe he wasn’t supposed to hurt me at all, just take Caleb and go. There are easier ways to kidnap a child and this seemed so sloppy to me. But what the hell do I know? I’m not a criminal. Although I’m ready to commit murder if I have to. If it’ll bring my son back… I’ll do anything to have him home with me. But James and his brothers made it clear that’s something I need to leave to them.
We all know I’m just talking as a scared mother when I make claims like that. But not James, and Sentinel, and Throttle, and the rest of the Disciples. They have no qualms about taking a life if the end justifies the means. And that fact should make me afraid of them, make me stay far away like the rest of the people in town. But it only draws me closer, knowing they’d do anything and everything to protect their families and each other. And now, that protection extends to me and Caleb. So I’m trusting they’ll bring my baby home and make whoever’s responsible pay for it with their life.
There’s an unexpected knock at the door and I turn my head in its direction. “You up for some company?” Emma pokes her head in with Sienna trailing close behind her. My face is busted and sore, but I do my best to smile, to show them I’m glad they’re here.
They stroll inside, Emma carrying a vase of lilies that she sets down on the table beside my bed.
“What are you guys doing here?” I ask as they each claim a chair, scooting them closer to me.
“Sentinel sent us to sit with you,” Emma explains. “He’s a bit of a worrier sometimes.”
Sienna adds, “The boys just want us somewhere safe. Two birds, one stone kind of thing.” She lays a hand on my shin. “It’s easier for them to do what they need to if they know we’re out of harm’s way and not getting into trouble.”
“What are they doing?” I know what she’s going to say, but I ask anyway.
“Whatever they have to do to get your son back.” Emma reassures me with a slight smile as she rests her warm palm over my hand.
My chest tightens, wondering where my baby is and if he’s okay, or scared, or hurt. I can’t imagine how afraid Caleb must be right now.
“He’s my whole world,” I confess, choking over my words. Then my thoughts darken. “But I trust the Disciples. And I hope they kill the man who did this.”
The two women share a silent look. “So you know what they do then?” Emma asks, her eyes studying my face.
“I’m not naïve. Someone almost killed me today and they took my son.” Anger begins to stir inside me. “They deserve everything James has planned for them. So, if that makes me a bad person, then I’ll gladly see them in hell one day,” I tell her coldly.
They stare at me for a long while before the corners of their mouths curve upward. “Takes a certain kind of woman to live this life,” Sienna states. “Sounds like you’re just the type. I know if it weren’t for that violently protective mentality our men have, I’d probably be dead right now. I’m happy Throttle will do whatever it takes to keep me safe.”
When I first met Sienna, she didn’t go into much detail about how she ended up with the Disciples, because she certainly doesn’t look the type. She merely explained that a dangerous client of hers was after her, and Throttle was tasked with making sure the guy didn’t get very far. That man is all muscle, the very embodiment of a fierce bodyguard. So it’s not hard to imagine him risking his life for her. Especially not when I see the look on his face whenever she’s around.
“Same here,” Emma pipes up. “Things got heated when Sentinel had to handle my ex. It definitely didn’t end the way I expected it to. But that’s one less asshole I’ll ever have to worry about.”
“Both your men sound amazing to me.” My head falls back, onto my pillow, as I think about mine. “James has had my heart since high school, even when we weren’t together. I belong to him. Always will.”
“And Gunner belongs to you. I knew it from the way he couldn’t keep his eyes off you the entire time. Constantly seeking you out, checking to make sure you were okay.” Sienna gingerly pats my foot.