Page 32 of Throttle

Focusing his attention on me, Venom’s charming smile instantly evaporates. “You need to get patched up.”

“I need to wait here until she wakes up.”

“Tell me this. When she does, do you think she’ll be happy or scared seeing you like this?” He eyes me up and down, his lip curling in disgust.

I hadn’t really thought about that, but I’m sure I look rough. My face aches from the few punches those assholes were able to land. The wound on my shoulder is still bleeding, although not as much, but it stings like a motherfucker. I probably look like I barely escaped the demons in hell. I sure as fuck feel like it.

Venom is right. I need to get myself fixed up. I don’t want her to see me looking roughed up when she comes to. “Fine. Tell Doc to bring his kit and meet me outside. I’ll do it, but I’m not going farther than the parking lot.”

He shakes his head while grabbing his phone from his back pocket. “You’re a stubborn fucker, you know that?”

“Tell me something I don’t know.”

Ten minutes later, Doc arrives and I let him patch me up in the club van. We mainly use it for clean up, but it works great when Doc has to work on the move. The whole time he’s stitching my arm, my mind is on Sienna and her wounds. When those motherfuckers crashed into my truck, shattered glass from the windshield lacerated her abdomen. I didn’t know, didn’t see all the blood until it was too late. And by the time I got us somewhere I could call for backup, those fucking thugs were on us and I had to deal with them first.

Doc cleans my cuts and scrapes after finishing my stitches. My chest is sore from the force of the airbag, but there’s no way I’d complain, knowing Sienna is far worse off than this. “Thanks, Doc. I better get back inside.”

“No problem, brother. Go take care of your girl. I’ll be at the clubhouse if y’all need anything.” He pulls out of the parking lot, and I head to the waiting room.

At some point, a young girl in scrubs comes out to update us on Sienna’s status. She’s fighting but she’s not out of the woods yet. Rage boils inside me when I think about what happened to her. It masks the guilt I feel for letting this go down in the first place.

My head is in my hands as I rest my elbows on my knees with my ass firmly planted in one of those uncomfortable waiting room chairs. Venom plops down next to me but doesn’t say a word.

“Don’t you got somewhere to be?” I grunt, taking my frustrations out on the wrong person.

I can tell he’s struggling to refrain from glaring at me when he asks, “Where else would I be when my brother needs me?”

I have to remind myself this is my Prez I’m talking to and get my shit together. But that’s easier said than done. I’m barely holding on and don’t let it show how much I actually do need him right now.

Before she passed out, Sienna told me that she loved me. Yet I couldn’t tell her I feel the same way because I thought if I did, she wouldn’t fight anymore, fight to come back to me where she belongs. But I’m going to tell her the moment she wakes up. And I’ll continue to tell her every day until my last breath. I never thought I’d feel this way about anyone and certainly not so soon. But she got under my skin the moment I laid eyes on her, even if I didn’t want her to.

The hours roll by and people come and go, filling the waiting area outside the emergency room. I occasionally get up to grab more coffee or use the restroom, but I don’t stray too far in case there’s another update. Finally, the doctor comes out, his face giving nothing away when he approaches. He halts in front of us and I surge to my feet.

“Are you the family for Sienna Jones?”

“Yes, I’m her fiancé.” I talk quickly, doubting he’ll let me see her if we weren’t related in some way.

He’s hesitant until he glances at the patch on my cut, then at Venom, who’s now standing beside me. Usually, once people realize who we are, they give us whatever the fuck we want. And right now, I want my girl.

“She’s stable. The surgery was a success, and we’re currently moving her to a room for observation. I’ll tell the nurse to bring you back shortly. She’s lucky she didn’t nick a major organ or lose more blood. Her head injury, however, is concerning. There’s some swelling we’re monitoring before we can run more tests. But my gut says she’ll be fine. Initial assessments look good.” He eyes me intensely with a clenched jaw, like he knows it’s my fault she’s in this mess.

I’m pissed at me too, pal, so fuck off.

Relief washes over me, knowing she’s going to recover and be okay. “Thanks, doc.” I offer my hand and he takes it, giving me a half-assed shake.

Venom reads my annoyed expression and claps a heavy palm on his shoulder. “We’re all grateful for what you’ve done for Sienna, doc. Satan’s Disciples never forget the good ones.” Venom’s meaning may be veiled, but the doctor catches his drift and his posture stiffens.

“Oh… Of course. Just doing my job.” The man offers a polite yet nervous smile before hightailing it back in the direction he came from.

I hear Venom sigh next to me as he reaches for his phone. Then it dawns on me that I haven’t asked about the rest of my brothers. I’ve been so focused on Sienna. The realization stuns me as I’ve never put anyone above my club.

But before I can ask, he reads my mind. “We knew some bullshit would happen and we were ready. We stay ready. Everyone is accounted for and back at the clubhouse. You got a lot on your mind, brother, but I know you’re just as worried about them as you are about her.”

“And Bertelli’s men? Where are those motherfuckers?” I narrow my eyes, feeling my rage simmer beneath my skin.

“We got most of them. Reaper’s a helluva good sniper and never misses. A few cowards scurried away but we’ll leave them for the cops. Let Carnage PD earn their keep for once.”

I nod with satisfaction.