Tears blur my vision as memories flash in my mind of being with Throttle. Things we did, things he said…
“That was me making you my ol’ lady.”
“I’m always looking at you.”
“Ryan. Ryan Davis. If we’re doing this, you should know the man you’re with.”
If anyone’s going to make it out of here, I want it to be him.
Rallying my limited strength, I firmly grip the gun and prepare to take aim. Throttle’s gaze finds mine. I nod my intentions, and he reads them clearly. He drops his hands from clawing at the man’s arms and elbows him sharply in his side. Tony’s guy reaches for his ribs, which are probably broken, and clutches his side when I pull the trigger. I don’t stop until the magazine is empty and he falls backward, hitting the ground with a heavy thud.
Everything is silent now, except for the sound of my and Throttle’s labored breathing. My last ounce of energy is drained and I slide to the ground, dropping the gun beside me. I should probably be remorseful for taking a life. Instead, I’m relieved and thankful we’re safe.
Truth is I’m glad he’s dead, especially knowing what he’s done.
“Hey! Hey! Look at me, Princess!” Throttle shouts, pulling me into his arms as he kneels down. I try to stare up at him, the outline of his face engulfed by the darkness slowly clouding over my vision. I give him a weak smile, or at least I think I do, before my eyelids slowly close.
“You’re gonna be okay now. I’m sorry I caused all this.” My voice is thin and I can barely get the words out.
“Stop it, Sienna. If you’re gonna talk, don’t say some bullshit like that.”
“Fine.” I swallow, the metallic taste dripping down my throat. “I love you.”
Throttle stills, his hand trembling against my body. “Don’t say that shit either. I wanna hear it when we’re both safe and anywhere but fucking here.”
“I love you, Ryan Davis.” I place my hand on top of his, my movements weak and my body cold and tired.
“I’m gonna get you to the hospital, Sienna. Just stay with me,” he demands, his voice cracking now.
My mind begins to drift as muffled footsteps grow louder upon their approach. Throttle tenses, yet I’m too frail to move. If that’s more of Tony’s men, then it’ll be impossible for either of us to make it out of here. But at least I’ve said the one thing I needed to say, even if those few words end up being my last.
“Honey, can you hear me? Open your eyes, pretty girl.” The voice is familiar, and I peek beneath heavy eyelids to see Venom crouching over me.
“I hear you. You don’t have to be so loud, you know.” My attempt at teasing him is feeble, but he hears me and chuckles as he checks out Throttle’s shoulder. Relief floods through me, but the pain becomes so overwhelming that my body goes numb and I float off into a peaceful darkness.
“Sir, you need to calm down or I’ll have you removed,” the nurse gives me an ultimatum, one arm flung out to hold me back as I struggle to get past her.
“Don’t fucking tell me to calm down. I need to see her,” I snap for the third time.
“The doctor is doing the best he can for her, but you need to take a seat and wait.” She might as well be speaking a foreign language because I can’t comprehend a damn word she’s saying.
Calm down, my ass. Not until I have Sienna in my sights.
I’ve been losing my mind with worry ever since her body fell limp in my arms when she passed out. I called her name over and over again, but she didn’t move. She was bleeding from the deep gash on her stomach while blood trickled from the wound on her head.
How could I have let this happen?
I was supposed to protect her and yet she got hurt anyway. She’s in the fucking hospital now because I couldn’t do my fucking job.
If I lose her…
A hand grips my shoulder and I glance back to see Venom giving me a pointed look. I lower my head in defeat as he regards the nurse with a pleasant smile I rarely see him show. “I apologize, honey. I’ll take care of him. Just please do everything you can for Sienna. She’s important to us.” He winks at the woman, and I swear she giggles back at him before catching herself and locking her professional demeanor back in place.
The nurse nods with appreciation, appearing happy to speak with someone more level-headed than I am. “I promise we’re doing all that we can.” Then she rushes down the corridor and through the swinging double doors.