“I thought you said he was my client,” I reply casually, “so I can do what I think is right. It’s my decision, is it not?”
“Look, you’re going to end up costing us the one decent PA we do have and then I’ll be fucking pissed with y-”
The sound of a small cough interrupts him mid-rant, for which I’m grateful. When he turns around, he reveals a very small and anxious-looking Louisa. The fact she came to me can only mean things are looking to be in my favor.
“Excuse me, Theo, Mr Hunter,” she says softly, “I’ve made my decision.”
“Please, come in,” I rush out at the same time as I gesture to the seat inside of my office. She eyes it with what looks like suspicion before accepting my invitation to sit down in it.
“Please don’t do anything you’re not comfortable with, Louisa,” Theo says.
I ignore him, even though he remains in the doorway while I sit back down behind my desk. Louisa, however, smiles at him briefly before returning to her neutral expression for me. Something tells me I’m not the favorite here.
“There is something I need,” she begins, automatically looking down at her hands. “If you can help me, I’ll do it. Just for show though.”
“Of course, no one would expect you to do anything more than that,” I reply with complete seriousness; I hope my words and expression convey this to her.
“Ok, then I need one of you to co-sign on an apartment lease for me,” she says, looking at me with an air of confidence I’ve never seen on her before.
“Is that it?” I ask, furrowing my brow as I do so because it’s such a small request. She merely nods her head once. Louisa never says more than is absolutely necessary. She rations her words as though they might run out. It only adds to her mysterious persona.
“You know we would do that for you anyway, Louisa,” Theo and his big mouth say, ignoring my glaring at him.
“I know,” she replies with that same smile she offered him before. “But this way, I will have earned it.”
“Where are you living now?” I can’t help but ask. Is she in an unsafe place? Does she not have any family?
“With my brother,” she replies with no other information to spare.
“Can’t he sign it for you?” I ask curiously.
Theo jerks his head in my direction because now I’m just being plain nosey.
“Do you want my help or not, Mr Hunter?”
Theo smiles at this newfound bravery from our usually timid PA, but I simply throw up my hands defensively, knowing when to quit while I’m ahead.
“Sorry, yes, yes I do, and I appreciate it,” I tell her honestly. “I’ll also sort out that bonus for-”
“No thank you,” she says politely, “the co-signature will be all.”
“Are you sure?” Theo chimes in with the same confused expression as I now have. She nods her head as she takes a glance at her watch, then returns her focus to me.
“I have to go, or I’ll be late for my bus,” she declares, then gets up to leave.
“Thank you, Louisa,” I say, mentally fist-bumping the air, “bring us any paperwork and we’ll see you tomorrow.”
Returning to the nervous woman she usually is, she gifts me with a polite nod, picks up her bag, and shuffles out.
“Again, you’re a fucking asshole!” Theo says with a point of his finger in my direction. “I can’t believe you’re going to make that sweet girl pretend to be with that ass!”
“That’s exactly why I’m asking her to pretend to be with that ass,” I laugh at him, “she’s perfect!”
He flips me the bird and leaves for the day. I don’t delay in calling Trent Matthew’s father to give him the good news. As expected, he’s delighted, but I’m sure Trent is going to be far less so. I arrange to meet them both at a local restaurant, the type we take clients to when we’re trying to impress. Their exquisite range of desserts might literally sweeten the deal when I bring Louisa to meet him properly.
Chapter 3