Page 51 of Hunter

“I want you to be mine…just mine.”

Her face turns serious, and I almost curse myself for putting myself out there. The longer she remains silent, the more convinced I am that she’s going to knock me back. But just as I’m about to roll away from her, she cups my cheeks and presses her lips against mine.

“I can be that,” she whispers on top of my lips, and I kiss her again, harder, deeper, just like my feelings for her.

Chapter 20


Waking next to a woman in my bed from the night before is usually an uncomfortable affair, it means we have to do the awkward dance of saying ‘Thanks for last night, but I’ll catch you later.’ Fortunately, this particular Sunday morning isn’t like that. I could stay curled up against Lou all day, but as it so happens, I’ve arranged to see my family. I’ve decided Lou is going to come with me, even if it will initially freak her out. My parent’s place is a little obnoxious when you first arrive, being that it’s vastly huge and looks like something out of a Homes Beautiful magazine. But hopefully, when she gets past all that, she’ll see that my family is just like any other.

Lou doesn’t wake until I’m showered, and half-dressed in front of the window, looking out at the beach with a sense of calm falling over my body. It’s glorious outside, I get to see my folks, and there’s a beautiful woman lying in my bed. Even more amazing is the fact that I don’t feel at all scared by it. She sits up, completely naked, and stretches so her tits rise up in such a way, I can’t hide my gawking at them. Of course, she catches me ogling and laughs.

“Morning, boss!” she teases as she salutes at the same time.

“Morning, girlfriend!” I throw back before climbing onto the bed, taking my time to lazily kiss her and wrap my arms around her waist. She reciprocates by bringing her hands up around my head, letting me push her back toward the mattress where I climb in between those legs that seem to go on forever. My cock responds almost instantly, and it would be ever so easy just to take off all that I’ve just put on and live inside of her for the day, but we have exactly two hours before I need to take us to my parent’s place. It’s no doubt going to take at least half of that time to convince her that she’s coming too.

“Mm,” she moans when I finally pull away and brush my finger along her plump lips.

“So, I have plans for us today; you game?” I ask.

“Depends, Hunter,” she murmurs into my neck, poking her tongue out to tempt me into more sexual activity, “what do you have in mind? Not more weddings?”

“No, no, nothing like that,” I feign innocence before I just lay it on her. “Just thought I’d take my very first girlfriend to meet my family.”

I almost laugh when she breaks contact and looks at me with a horrified expression, pulling the sheet all the way up to her neck in an attempt to hide herself.

“D-did I mention I have to work at the bar today?” she stutters with panic running through her wide, frightened eyes.

“Oh? Well, no worries, I phoned your brother and asked him if someone else could cover you today,” I reply with a smirk of satisfaction.

Her obvious panic now turns into a frown of complete disbelief. Yes, Lou, I called your big, scary brother because I want you with me that much.

“You phoned Phoenix?” she asks, to which I slowly nod. “As in my brother, Phoenix? What did he say?”

“Well, after he laughed hysterically for the first two and a half minutes, he finally said sure.”

“Asshole!” she gasps.

“Yep, so get out of bed, get showered and dressed,” I demand, pulling at her arm while she struggles against me. “We leave in an hour.”

“Daniel, please, I’m not parent-worthy,” she tries to argue, but I’ve already got her up onto her feet, “and I only have what I wore last night, and I’ll have nothing to talk about, and-”

“You are perfect,” I declare as I pull her into my arms and kiss her flustering lips. “And if jeans are all you have, then I’ll wear them too. I’d offer to buy you something but the last time I offered to get you new clothes for your engagement to Trent, you nearly killed me with that death stare of yours.”

“We could just stay here all day?” She creeps up to me and peppers my chest in delicious little seductive kisses, tempting me with her gorgeous naked body. “Just you and me, all day, doing whatever we want!”

“Sounds awfully tempting,” I whisper as I indulge in the feel of her lips moving over my skin. She nods against my chest, thinking her seductive plan is working. “But no, you’re coming with me!”

My girlfriend - fuck that sounds weird - pouts as I march her all the way over to the shower, all the while I desperately resist the urge to sink inside of her.



The whole journey over to my parents, Lou sits in a kind of quiet panic, blowing out long streams of air every few minutes in an attempt to stay calm and collected. I feel bad for putting her through it, but she also needs to see that my family is not the stereotypical rich snobs she thinks they are. I’ve already used the whole, ‘I’ve met your brother up, close, and personal’ argument, like a little kid, but she’s still less than impressed by my coercing her into this.

By the time we pull up the long and winding driveway, Lou is clutching hold of the dashboard while putting her head between her knees. I have to try and stop myself from laughing over at her dramatics; I doubt it would be well received if I released any hint of a smile. Instead, I pretend everything is fine and calmly get out to open the door for her. She lifts her head to take a peek at the ridiculously large, Spanish-style villa in front of us and gasps in horror.