“He, er…well, I mean…I’ve been meaning to ask you…” He scratches at his jawline nervously and it’s so delicious to watch him squirming, I decide to remain exactly where I am, watching with amusement. “What I meant to ask you… Shit, I haven’t had to ask a girl to something in years, Lou.”
“Well, carry on, I’m enjoying this,” I tease, gesturing to his face which is now awash with a mixture of nerves and laughter.
“How about I just make you come and ask you afterward?” he suggests as he flips his body over mine and pins me down at my wrists. He looks to where he has hold of me and instantly recoils, his face draining of color and looking as if he’s just been caught stealing in the local store.
“What?” I gasp, frowning at him over his sudden fear. “What’s wrong?”
“I’m sorry, Lou,” he rushes out, running his hand through his hair like he’s battling over whether or not to punch himself. “After everything you’ve been through, I didn’t mean to be so-”
“Oh God, Daniel,” I sigh before emitting a laugh of relief, but then stop myself because he looks like he’s genuinely struggling with the guilt of what he’s just done. “Daniel, I’m not broken, and I’m not going to freak out because you’re holding onto my wrists.”
“No?” He turns to face me, still looking unconvinced. “Because you know I would never hurt you, right? I would never force anything on a woman.”
“Of course I do, why do you think I like you so much?” I tell him as I cup his stubbled jaw in my hand. “It doesn’t mean we can’t fool around.”
Finally able to relax, he pulls me in closer toward his body and kisses me long and slow, while his semi turns rock-hard with need.
“Daniel, what happened to me, I don’t connect it in any way to what we’re doing. That was violent, angry, and evil. What we do is consensual, amazing, sensual…does that make sense?”
I run my fingertips over his naked skin, allowing him to take pleasure in the softest of touches, barely there, yet so sensory, I leave goosebumps in their wake. He releases a sigh of content before nodding slowly and cupping my face with his warm hands.
“Come to Theo’s wedding with me on Saturday…please?”
“Huh?” I reply rather gormlessly, breaking the moment and making him laugh.
“He and Izzy are getting married on Saturday; I only found out the other day. It’s going to be a small affair and he knows I want to ask you. So, please…come with me?”
“C-can I think about it…please?” I stutter through fear of having to face new people in such an intimate situation. “I’ve never been to a wedding before.”
“No,” he replies bluntly.
“No?” I laugh in disbelief, to which he smiles cheekily.
“Yeah, no, I’m gonna need your answer now, Miss Flynn,” he says with a beaming smile as he moves over to cover me with his body and slide between my legs. “And, fair warning, I’m only going to be accepting one answer.”
“Are you using sex to talk me into going, Mr Hunter, my boss, just to add to this little inappropriateness?” I grin as he plants little open-mouthed kisses along my neck.
“Sure,” he mutters against my skin, “you game?”
“Er…erm, oh God…” I gasp at the same time as I feel his erection grinding against me, “er, yeah, ok.”
“Good girl,” he whispers, then slides inside of me with a soft growl on his lips.
With every thrust, I get closer and closer to the edge of an orgasm, to the point where I’m biting at his shoulder for more. My legs soon wrap around his body while my fingers lace through his soft, dark hair. And when I clench around his cock, he hisses with pleasure. His hands reach around to my arched back, pulling me closer toward him as we both ride a wave of an indescribable sensation.
“You make me feel again, Daniel,” I whisper as I come to the edge.
“You make me want…” he whispers inside of my ear, “…make me want so much more!”
“More what?” I giggle as he moves his eyes across to meet mine.
I move hard against her, but my thrusting remains at the same pace, slow and steady, drawing out the sensation of being inside of her because I’m just so damn greedy for her warmth. Her mouth falls open as I bring her closer to falling into her next orgasm, and I want to etch the memory of it inside of my mind for later. Her tits are pressed against my chest and the sensation is bringing me just as close to the edge as she is.
“More…you! All of it,” I pant as she falls apart in the most beautiful way possible, breathing heavily as I come to my own climax with a moan. I fall against her warm neck and inhale deeply as we both bring our hearts back down to somewhere near normal. “Lou…?”
“Yes, Daniel?” she giggles against my chest before I lift myself onto my elbows to look at her; her rosy cheeks making me even more sure of what I want to say to her.