Page 40 of Hunter




On Tony’s eighteenth birthday, we went to his favorite restaurant, ordered our favorite food, our favorite wine, and did what we always did, discussed our future life together. It was only a month until my birthday, so we’ve been dating for nearly a year. We make out frequently and often get up to a little bit more. I know the day is coming when we will be going all the way together, giving one another our virginity; I’m scared but excited about it. I know I’m technically underage, but I’m so in love with him, and I know he’s my forever guy, so why wait any longer?

We walk back to his place that night, knowing Javier will be out doing whatever it is he gets up to with his ‘employees’. We burst through the front door kissing and grabbing at one another like we are wild animals that have been locked away from one another for too long. Eventually, he hauls me over his shoulder and marches me up to his room, with both of us laughing the whole way there.

Once inside his room, the mood becomes serious, and I know the time is now, on his birthday. I push him down to the bed where he leans back onto his forearms, his erection being more than obvious through his jeans. I then slowly peel away my clothes until I’m wearing nothing but my panties, staring at him with a mixture of lust and nerves. Slowly, I walk between his legs and kneel up before him. He licks his lips and runs his hands around my waist, over my chest, and then rests them on top of my hard nipples.

“Fuck!” he whispers, staring at me like I am the most perfect thing in the world because that’s exactly how I feel with him.

“Last year, on my birthday, you gave me my first kiss, Tony,” I whisper through trembling lips, “now I want to give you a first, our first, for your birthday.”

“Lou, are you sure?” He sits up slightly, wrapping his arms around my waist. “I mean, of course I want you, but I don’t want you to feel like I’m pressuring you, baby.”

“You’re not, you never would, and that’s why I want to give this to you…I love you.”

“I love you too, mi corazon,” he says before pressing his lips against mine so intensely, it takes little effort for him to flip me over, so he is now lying on top of me, grinding against my groin with a hardness that is both scary and exhilarating.

He slips his mouth down to my breasts where he sucks and kisses my nipples, gently massaging my flesh as he does so. It feels so good, I end up groaning from the back of my throat, all the while I fumble with his fly, trying to release him with flustered movements; they only show how both inexperienced and nervous I am. Eventually, he has to do it for me, but we giggle about it.

As he stands naked before me, I take him in and realize how beautiful he is, how perfect he looks with his sleek, athletic frame, all muscle, and dark skin. I try not to focus on the rather large erection hanging between his legs because I want this to be romantic and perfect, not a lead-up to me freaking out.

“You’re perfect, Lou, always have been, always will be,” he says as he crawls between my legs, rubbing the tip of his cock through my folds and making me wetter and wetter for him. “Ready?” he whispers.

“Ready,” I reply as he lines himself up and thrusts forward, causing a burning sensation that has me crying out in pain.

“I’m sorry, mi corazon, so sorry,” he whispers, with his hand slipping back down to rub at my clit, trying to relax my muscles and bring some sort of pleasure. I reach behind his neck and pull him closer so I can begin kissing him, giving him permission to rock against me, which he does, slow and gentle. “So perfect!” he says as he moves a little faster. “So mine forever, mi corazon.”

“Forever,” I repeat and finally relax into a state where it becomes everything I wanted it to be - the closeness, the commitment to one another, the love.

He climaxes a little while later, and even though I don’t get there with him, I revel in the fact that I shared this first intimate act with him. And when he peppers me with kisses, raining down words of love on me, I know I made the right decision. He’s my forever boy.

Chapter 17


I don’t question Lou when she asks me to pick her up away from the bar, it’s pretty obvious why she wants me to. She looks effortlessly beautiful in a strappy black dress that falls to her knee like velvet chocolate clinging to all her curves. Her hair falls in light brown waves down her back, but her makeup is thankfully light. She looks nothing like the overdone work of the makeup artist the other day, not that she’ll need to worry about that anymore.

I get out of my car to open the door before she has a chance to do it herself; my strict but loving upbringing taught me manners before I even understood the difference between a boy and a girl. Even when I was a hormonal adolescent, I still held doors open for everyone, said my pleases and thank yous, and gave up my chair for anyone who needed it in the lunch hall. I got jibed for it, but it was like instinct; there was no way I could fight it.

By the time I get back in the car, she’s giggling at me, and I find myself enjoying the sound.

“And why do you find me so funny?” I ask with a smile of my own.

“You’re so polite, just like Phoenix used to be,” she says, surprising me; who would have thought me and her thug of a brother would have anything in common? I would feel insulted, had I not remembered the biggest similarity we have, the fact we both care about the girl in front of me. “Well, with girls anyway. It was practically law for the boys to be rude to one another.”

“You don’t think a lot of where you grew up, do you?” I ask with curiosity, trying to gauge her true reaction to that statement.

“God, I do sound like that, don’t I?” she says guiltily. “But I do…think a lot of it. I just…well, I suppose I’ve never met anyone who had the same sort of upbringing – gangs, murders, fights.”

“Tell me what you liked about it then,” I ask, trying to perk her up again.

“Dad and Phoenix, obviously,” she says with a smile, “always looking out for me, always trying to make me laugh, always trying to make up for the fact I didn’t have a mother. And then there was Tony. I know you’ve seen the Tony that exists now, but the boy he used to be was everything. I loved him so much.”

“I get that,” I tell her with the feeling of my heart dropping; I can’t help it. No one wants to hear the girl they’re crushing on talking about another guy that way, especially an ex. “Kind of hate hearing you say that, but I understand he was your best friend and your first love.”