However, a purposely loud throat clearing from behind the couch has both Daniel and me jumping back from one another. It feels like we’re a couple of horny teenagers being caught in the act by my parents.
“Ok, time’s up, asshole, time to go,” Phoenix practically booms from the doorway.
I’m so embarrassed, I feel my cheeks instantly heat up. I could quite literally kill my brother right now.
“Phoenix!” I cry out before jumping up to my feet to glare at him. Daniel slowly gets to his feet while running his hand anxiously, or angrily, through his hair. This is the moment of truth - is he going to bail on me and promise himself to keep away from the girl with the psychotic brother? Or is he starting to have genuine feelings for me too?
“It’s ok,” Daniel says to neither one of us in particular, “I best get home anyway, I have to see my parents in the morning. Lou, thank you for a gorgeous dinner, my chef offer still stands.” I smile sheepishly in his direction with disappointment coursing through my veins. “Phoenix,” he says with a nod of his head before picking up his jacket.
“I’ll see you out,” I mutter, still giving Phoenix a thunderous expression that should more than tell him how furious I am.
I lead the way through the crowded bar, grimacing all the while pairs of eyes stare at us as the unlikely couple that we are. They’ve probably correctly guessed that my overprotective asshole brother has been in to give us our last orders. I even notice a few of them smirking, Jake included.
Once at the door, I walk into the dusty parking lot with Daniel, spying his expensive convertible and thanking God for not letting the local riff-raff steal his tires and hubcaps. I shiver but not through cold, more through complete and utter humiliation and anger over my brother berating both my date and me without any form of apology. I must look like the most pathetic creature on the planet to someone like Daniel. You wouldn’t believe I was twenty-four with the way he talks to me.
“I’m really sorry about that, Daniel-”
Before I can finish my sentence, my rambling of apology after apology, he places both hands around my cheeks and kisses me. It’s slow, deep and it feels even more passionate than our kissing in my living room. My arms flail about before finally resting on his biceps which are taught from holding me close to him. My legs could easily melt into a pile of goo over a kiss like this, but I try desperately hard to maintain some composure. I need to at least look a little bit cool after the showdown with Phoenix.
When he finally draws back, he smiles before dropping his hands down to my hips, creating little zaps of electricity under his fingers.
“I’m not afraid of your brother, Lou,” he whispers, “at least I know you are safe with him around. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Sure, I’ll be on time, I promise,” I rush out, remembering how late I had been the other morning. Not to mention what happened tonight.
“Wear something comfortable,” he says before he presses his lips against mine. “I’ve got a realtor lined up to take you apartment hunting.”
“What?” I gasp, though I’m not sure which feeling is behind it. I had practically forgotten about it, what with Tony and all the delicious kissing from my boss. “But Daniel, what about work?”
“Call it flexi-time for all the extra ‘dates’ you’ve had to attend with Trent. Being in his company for more than is necessary is surely worth some time off,” he teases, and we smile at one another. “And besides,” he whispers as he brushes back my hair, “finding somewhere for yourself is the very reason you signed up to this farce with Trent. I am merely fulfilling my side of the bargain.”
“Oh, I suppose so,” I reply, still trying to pinpoint how I feel about moving out on my own. Everything with Tony has brought up such uncomfortable emotions – sadness, fear, confusion.
“You look sad?” Daniel asks with concern. “I thought this is what you wanted; to have some independence from your brother.”
“Yes, I do…I think.”
“Lou,” he begins with a sigh as he brings me closer to his body and presses his lips to my forehead, “I know it might be hard to make changes, at first anyway. You’ve both been through a lot together, so much trauma. It’s clear as day how much you love one another, even if, I suspect, he drives you mad with his somewhat overprotectiveness. After what you’ve told me, I can see why he is so…so…so…”
“Smothering?” I offer and he laughs.
“Your word, Lou, not mine,” he says as he takes a long inhale against my hair, breathing in the scent of my shampoo and hours of cooking beef and vegetables. “Change is hard, Lou, but sometimes necessary for both parties. And after some time has passed and you realize you can survive without the other, it will ease. And besides,” he says as he pulls back to look into my eyes, “it will allow space for another man in your life. A man who will care for your safety just as much as your brother does. A man that will love you just as fiercely.”
“Oh…oh,” I reply dumbly, suddenly speechless over his words. An awkward silence ensues, and I can see the doubt and fear slipping in behind those eyes of his, the ones that I will picture when I fall asleep tonight. The ones I hope will replace those of my attacker, and of Tony’s when I dream.
“Anyway, before I can put my foot in my mouth anymore, I better go. Thanks again, Lou.”
He turns to get into his sporty car which is in no way cut out for the desert. With panic coursing through my veins, I grab hold of his arm and force him to look at me with those confused brown eyes of his.
“I liked what you said,” I blurt out, without thought process or fear. He smiles, big and beamish, in a way that gives a hint as to what he must have looked like as a cheeky little boy.
“I like…” he begins before kissing me slow and fully, the type that leaves you breathless for a while afterward. “I like that you liked it.” We both laugh at one another, and it suddenly occurs to me that we now have a windowful of spectators, including Phoenix. “I better go before I die of humiliation after saying such a line. That or your brother kills me. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Bye,” I giggle like a schoolgirl being asked out by her high school crush. I then watch as he drives away, kicking up dust beneath his alloy wheels. When I turn to face my brother, he shows me nothing apart from the crossing of his tattooed arms over his chest. If anything, he looks pensive. I stare back at him, still feeling pissed off with the way he stomped all over my date; the first date in years. But he simply rolls his eyes and walks away into the throng of bikers.
Perhaps, it is time…for both of us.
Chapter 15