Page 31 of Hunter

She smiles politely his way, then gets up to quickly disappear into the busy street outside of the park. Trent still has a thunderous expression on his face, one I should try to ease with my charming persona; however, I merely shrug and begin to walk away, leaving him to stew in his own dented ego. I walk past RIP who is biting down on his lip to stop the smirk from taking over his face.



Jake is trying so hard not to laugh right now, and I could hit him for it. With my dinner prepared early, and the crap from earlier washed off my face, I’m currently having a drink at the bar with Phoenix. I’ve just broken the news of my impending date and to say he looks constipated about it is a massive understatement. Telling him I was having a man around for dinner in the apartment out back, my boss no less, was tantamount to telling him I was running off to become a hooker in a seedy brothel in town.

Phoenix is currently displaying behavior at the top of the anger scale right now and Jake and I are just biding our time until he explodes. First comes the clenching of the jaw, the looking down at the floor, as well as emitting huffs of raging breaths through his nostrils. Then comes the biting of his lips together and the shake of his head. Next will be the slamming back of his bar stool, taking up his typical alpha stance before raging on so loudly that Daniel will be able to hear how much he is opposed to the idea all the way from his office.

“Alright,” he says, sounding eerily calm, “you can have your…date,” he says, enunciating the word like it’s a filthy vile thing that should be shot and put out of its misery. Jake and I, on the other hand, are looking at one another with a mixture of shock and discomfort. “But,” he begins, then pauses for dramatic effect, “I want to know everything that motherfucker said to you last night.”

“Which motherfucker would that be, brother?” I smile sweetly. If I tell Phoenix what Tony said, which was then backed up by Javier, I may as well cancel Daniel because all hell will be let loose. The fact he hasn’t shot me down and gone steaming over to Daniel to have it out with him is a massive step forward for my brother. I may never get this opportunity again.

“Louisa!” he snaps before trying to calm himself back down, which involves him gripping hold of the bar with white knuckle force and his muscles trembling with so much self-control, his tattoos look like they’re moving all on their own.

“I’ll tell you what he said,” I sigh, “but after. First thing tomorrow morning, I promise.”

“No, now!”

“No,” I snap back, getting to my feet and walking slowly up to him, “tomorrow. When Daniel and I are safe from you stomping your big angry boots all over our evening. That’s the deal, Phoenix.”

The bear of a man clutches at the side of his head and releases a full-on growl of frustration.

“Fine!” he calls out as he begins walking away. Jake continues to wipe glasses, shaking his head with a slight chuckle.

“That dude needs a woman that’s not his sister in his life,” Jake says while he continues to wipe up glasses, shaking his head and chuckling to himself. “He could control her and have pussy at the same time.”

“Eww!” I grimace and make a quick escape out back.




By four o’clock on my birthday, I start to feel really annoyed with Tony; I haven’t even had a text from him, and I thought he’d at least bring me a card. I know he’s still not over everything, but I’ve been there every step of the way and I guess… I hoped he would have at least remembered. Dad took me out for ice cream at lunchtime, and even Phoenix came along, even though he hates those places. His face was a picture when the whole place started singing ‘Happy Birthday’ to me with streamers and a sparkly candle.

“Louisa!” Dad calls out, followed by a coughing fit that makes me feel uneasy. “You have a visitor.”

I rush out because I know that can only be my boy coming to tell me he hasn’t forgotten about me after all. I’m still going to give him a hard time for leaving it so late, but at least he’s here. As soon as I reach the bar, my mouth drops open in shock because not only is Tony here, but he’s dressed in a button-down shirt, a pair of jeans that aren’t all ripped up like they normally are, and actual dress shoes. He’s styled his hair and is donning a shy smile. Within his slightly trembling hands is a big bunch of pink roses, the ones I told him my mother had liked, as well as a huge card. Phoenix rolls his eyes but smiles too, whereas Dad is grinning and bouncing his eyes between the two of us; he looks as though he’s been waiting for years for this very moment. I can admit, I have too.

“Mr Flynn, Sir, I was wondering if I could take Lou out for her birthday? If she agrees, that is,” he asks, grinning at me between each of his words. He looks so handsome, so grown up, that I can feel myself blushing with such intensity, my cheeks are burning.

“Well, now, let me see,” Dad teases, pretending to think about it before his laughter gets the better of him. “I’m sure she’d love to, Tony.”

“Well, Louisa, would you do me the honor of letting me take you out for dinner?”

“I would love to,” I whisper my reply, which stops his hands from trembling and allows him to drop his shoulders with relief.


After an initially awkward beginning, dinner is as great as it always is with Tony, and with us indulging in everything we want to. He then walks me home, holding my hand and talking about the usual stuff we always chat about. My heart almost sinks when we get closer to the bar and he still hasn’t made a move on me; perhaps this is just another friend’s date and he doesn’t look at me as anything more.

“So, Lou, you must know how I feel about you?” he says, turning on me and taking both of my hands inside of his. “I couldn’t have got through the last few months without you; you know that, right?”

“Yeah, but you don’t have to…” I begin with disappointment because the last thing I want is for him to pity-date me. “I mean don’t feel like you owe me-”

He stops me by cupping my face with his hands and leaning in closer.