“True, but that was when he had Mama,” he says, the word making him take a slightly deeper breath of air.
“It was also long before he joined you, Javier, before he began this way of life.”
“I know,” he says sadly, momentarily revealing the guilt of it all. “But you know I’m not here to talk about Tony’s misguided actions. You know why I’m here, mija.”
I sigh heavily at the same time as I push back away from the table, creating more distance between us.
“I do. I haven’t told him yet, Javier. But then you already knew that. If I had, he’d have been knocking down your door by now.” He smiles in understanding. “I don’t understand why you need Phoenix, Javier. I would have thought you would have wanted to take care of whoever it is yourself.”
“Yes,” he laughs softly, “and I will be, Tony too. But I believe in an eye for an eye; I owe your brother.” My confused expression has him laughing again, as if he is realizing for maybe the first time that I have no clue as to what he’s referring to. “I should have known Phoenix would have kept quiet. I love my brother, mija, but Phoenix thinks the world of you. Please talk to him.” He checks his watch before standing up from the table, the noise of the chair scraping back hitting my ears, causing a sudden sensory overload; one I want to run away and hide from. “Until next time, mija.”
Still wincing, I nod, and he smiles, then heads for the door. However, just when I think he’s gone, I feel his lips on my cheek.
“I think…it was for the best, Lou,” he whispers, then leaves before I can even look into those Ortega eyes, the ones both boys inherited from their mother.
It’s been six months since the Ortega boys lost their parents in such a violent and cruel way. Tony has understandably, taken a long time to get over what happened, and still suffers from frequent nightmares. He didn’t even smile for the first two months after it happened, and when he thinks no one is listening, he cries such gut-wrenching tears, it brings me to tears too. Javier, on the other hand, has gone in the opposite direction. He’s a very angry young man, most of the time with a scowl on his face, putting on a mask of pure danger. I guess he has to now that he’s taken over Emilio’s precarious businesses.
After my father, Phoenix, and Javier had returned from Ava and Emilio’s murder scene, both Ortega boys stayed at our place. No one said a word about what they found there, and I didn’t want to ask. I wanted to remember Ava the way she was, full of smiles and always smelling like a fresh bakery. Javier slept on the couch, and we all went to our beds. Tony was breathing deeply and evenly in my bed, but after what felt like hours, I just couldn’t fall under. My mind couldn’t make peace with everything that had happened, it couldn’t comprehend how I had managed to lose two mothers in such a short space of time.
With anxiety running through my body, I force myself up and go to grab a glass of water, if only to focus on something that isn’t tainted by blood and murder. Phoenix is snoring and Daddy is coughing, like he does every night. The stubborn man won’t go and see a doctor, so, after hearing him tonight, I make the decision to call up for him. Javier is under a blanket on the couch, still dressed in his oil-stained T-shirt and ripped jeans. As I sip back water, I look over at Tony’s older, scarier brother and think how hard it’s going to be to take on such responsibilities. Too much, too soon.
“Lou?” his voice floats into the air like a cry.
“Yeah, it’s me,” I reply, “can I get you something?”
“No, come here a minute,” he says.
I frown because we’ve never talked one-on-one before, he’s always been Tony’s moodier big brother. But I go over; I know he wouldn’t hurt me. I crouch down so I am eye level with him, and he looks at me for a moment or two, as if he’s studying my face.
“I need you to look after him, Lou,” he whispers as he takes hold of my hand, stroking my skin in soft circles with his thumb. “He’ll be expected to join the business in a few years, and I already know he wants to.”
“I know too,” I reply, looking down because I hate the thought of my soft-hearted friend getting involved with whatever it is that the Ortegas do. “I’m scared for him.”
“Trust me, he will be well looked after to defend himself physically,” he says, trying to reassure me, even though nothing will make me feel better about what’s in store for Tony. “But I need you to give him love and affection in these last few years of childhood, mija, especially now he won’t have…Mama.”
“I’m so sorry, Javier,” I whimper, “I loved her too.”
“I know, and so did she.” He lifts my chin with his free hand, forcing me back to look into his eyes. “And you and Tony will be so good together…when you finally give into it.” I blush and he grins. “He’s just waiting for the right time, but it will come, trust me. He’d be a fool not to claim you, mija.”
“I can be here for you too, Javier…whenever you want to talk, I’m here.”
“Thank you, Louisa,” he says and plants a kiss on my cheek. “Now, go back to him. He needs you.”
Chapter 13
Christ, the last thing I want to do is call Louisa’s thug of a brother and have him come marching down here to chuck his weight around. The guy could take on the Hulk in terms of rage and muscle. However, my concern for Louisa is currently outweighing my fear of Phoenix coming down to destroy our office.
With my finger hovering above the button to call Louisa, the door bursts open with the lady of the hour herself. She’s panting like she just ran the Kentucky Derby on foot. Her hair is slipping out of her low-sitting ponytail and her skin has a covering of perspiration that she would no doubt wince about if she knew. Even Theo comes out of his office to see what all the commotion is.
“You ok?” I hear him ask as she clasps her hand over her chest, trying to gain back her breath; she sounds like all the oxygen in the air around her is being sucked in by a vacuum. She nods while attempting to smile, but also looks mortified by the fact that she is late and has caused a scene.