Page 2 of Chase

“Get closer, I want to hear,” he orders, sounding more and more frustrated.

Acting on his instruction, I saunter up to the bar and sit on the stool nearest to hers. The blaring music in this place makes it hard to hear anything, so I’m not too sure how successful I’m going to be, but I’ll still do as I’m told. She finishes her chat with the barman, then turns to face both me and the group of guys. They all whistle and shout as soon as they get a good look at her face; she’s stunning!

“What?” she growls, placing her hands on her hips.

“Sorry, darlin’,” the cockiest-looking shit of them all says as walks towards her, “we were all placing bets to see if the front was as fuckable as the back. We’re pleased to say, hell to the yes, it is! So, which one of us takes your fancy? Cos quite frankly, you can have your pick.”

“No thank you,” she replies with a scowl on her face, then takes a gulp from her beer bottle.

“Oh, come on, love,” he says as he slides up real close to her. “See Richie over there?”

He uses his bottle to point to a guy who is slouching on the sofa. Richie lifts his bottle in greeting at the same time as giving her a cheeky wink. Smooth!

“Well, he’s currently nursing a broken heart. His girlfriend of three years has just moved to Australia,” he says while I bite my lips together over the audacity of this guy. “Maybe you could cheer him up…if you know what I mean!”

“Sure, I know what you mean, as subtle as you’re being,” she says, putting her bottle on top of the bar. “And as amazing as an opportunity to drop my knickers for some guy who’s going to be picturing his long-term girlfriend all night is, I’m going to give Richie a firm pass.”

She gifts him and Richie a fake smile that lasts all of two seconds, then begins to walk away. However, before she’s even taken her third step, the guy grabs hold of her arm and pulls back.

“Darlin’, you can’t dress like that and not expect dick; I mean, come on!” His friends all burst out laughing, all the while she looks more and more like a volcano that’s getting ready to violently explode.

“Do you need me to intervene, Boss? He just grabbed her arm,” I tell him, my fingers already feeling itchy to hit this tool in the face. Before the boss can even say a word in response, she begins to give this guy a verbal slap, which I am totally down for hearing.

“Maybe I am, but it doesn’t mean I want your diseased dick, does it?” she says matter of factly. “And if you don’t let go of me, I will motherfucking pepper spray you so much, you’ll be screaming for your mummy. I can dress how I please and I can do it without flaccid little prinks like you thinking you have entitlements. Now, kindly fuck off!”

All signs of his earlier mirth are instantly wiped from his face by her lashing of words. He looks furious, to the point where he might try to become physical. But surprisingly, he lets go. His teeth remain clenched, but he says nothing more. She then walks away, flipping him the bird over her shoulder. I can’t help but smirk to myself. This girl has balls, perhaps too big for her own good. Alas, although the prick more than deserved it, things could easily have turned ugly for her.

I watch her for another hour or two, sometimes having to sit on my hands to stop myself from getting involved. She moves around the club, flirting with plenty of guys, even dancing way too provocatively with a few, only to tell them to get lost when they suggest something more than just dancing. To put it bluntly, this girl is professional dick tease. I’m not even sure which part she enjoys more, the attention or getting to turn them all down. And when she’s not with a guy, she’s alone. No friends or acquaintances; this is a lone sport for her. The boss hears all of it, either from my narrating the scene or hearing some of it from the girl herself. He tells me to stick close but to maintain some distance; I’m only to get involved if she is physically threatened. I guess we were both lucky tonight.

Eventually, she makes a move to leave, so I surreptitiously walk towards the exit, calling the boss again as I do so. He answers when I near the exit, the fresh air already making me breathe more easily. She’s still in my line of sight and I notice her slipping on a black hoodie before she gets ready to exit onto the street.

“She’s leaving, what do you want me to do?” I ask the boss.

“Just make sure she gets home alright and then you can go,” he says, but before I can reply, she’s suddenly all up in my face, making me jump in surprise.

“Who the fuck are you and why the hell have you been watching me all night?”

While I internalize a torrent of curses, the boss is telling me to keep the line open so he can keep listening.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I tell her at the same time as I hold my hands up in surrender. “I’m just out for a drink.”

“Oh, please, I may be dressed provocatively, but it doesn’t mean I’m stupid,” she tuts, standing back so she can cross her arms. “Is it my father or my psychotic big brother who you’re talking to on the phone there? Gotta say, they’ve not pulled this sort of shit in a little while, but perhaps they have some deal going down. Whatever it is, stop following me and tell them to back the fuck off!”

Lost for words, I can only frown to try and show her I have no idea what the hell she’s talking about. Not that she sticks around for that long before turning around and stomping away down the street.

“Did you get that, Boss?”

“Mmm,” is all he says. “Is she safe?”

“Aha, getting into a taxi as we speak,” I inform him as I watch her duck down into a licensed car.

“You may go; thank you, Max,” he replies and hangs up.

This was the strangest night’s work I’ve had in a long time. Not complaining though, she was easy to look at.

Chapter 2

Theo 10 years old