While Jonah had been appalled by the idea of stealing away a young girl from her family, who, as far as he could tell, was completely ignorant to all things Mayfield, Oliver had become keen to form a strong bond with Carl Steele. Even though he pretended to laugh at the old man as much as he did, Jonah never quite believed in his mirth. When he found out Oliver had managed to track down Beth Taylor, the now seventeen-year-old granddaughter, he told his friend to tread carefully, to think about what he was asking this young, innocent girl to do. Oliver dismissed it and eventually convinced himself that he really did have feelings for her. However, it always struck Jonah as odd that Oliver refused to show Jonah a photograph of his child bride and hadn’t been allowed to attend the engagement party. All Felicity had told him was that she was pretty, blonde, and incredibly young.
He is yet to see Angela Steele’s face but will demand Pru give him a glimpse, seeing as she has asked him to keep her safe from whatever plan he may form. It will prove useful should he have to go back on his word and use the new Lawrence bride as leverage when the time comes to strike. Jonah reasons that he will not purposefully seek to hurt anyone as Oliver has, but he will do so if he has no other choice. This is what makes him different, less of a monster than the Lawrences and Steeles…is it not?
Jonah gulps back his whiskey, content in his decision to agree to Pru’s terms, but will not hesitate to sacrifice Angela Lawrence should the need arise.
“No one should be held above wreaking vengeance and taking back the reins of Mayfield, no one!” he mutters to himself before giving into his sudden exhaustion and retiring to bed.
The following day, at precisely four o’clock on a rainy afternoon, Jonah finds himself grinning over Pru’s unfailing punctuality. The woman could always be relied upon to turn up at whatever time on the dot, like a human clock you could set any time by. Miles, his personal assistant answers the door for him, so as not to let anyone suspicious see the two of them consorting together. Miles has worked for him for the past six years and has his own bugbear against Carl Steele. Funnily enough, Miles has now become the most trustworthy person in Jonah’s life, especially after Oliver stabbed him in the back.
“Good afternoon, Prudence,” he murmurs from his whiskey bottle, which he then proceeds to pour into two tumblers. “I can always count on you to be reliably on time.”
“I’ve been waiting outside in the park since two o’clock, Jonah,” she replies as she takes the whiskey with thanks. “I’ve been praying that I can trust you!”
“Of course, you can, Pru,” he half-lies, “and lucky for you, and Mrs Lawrence, I have decided to take you up on your offer.”
“Tsk, Jonah,” she says, smiling at him, “you decided that before I left last night. You just enjoy making people wait;, all you Mayfield elite do!”
Jonah smirks at Prudence, shaking his head at himself for underestimating just how intelligent and astute she is.
“Did you know that Carl Steele has a total of three children born out of wedlock, all of whom are nothing to do with Mayfield?”
“I had heard rumors, and it doesn’t surprise me,” he replies before swigging back the amber liquid, “he has old-fashioned notions of being a true blood, which is why he was so obsessed with Rosalie Bennett. He would never take responsibility for a child who was only half-Mayfield, but he also has a healthy sexual appetite,” he says with a grimace, “unfortunately.”
“He has three sons, all born out of wedlock, all of whom have been disowned by Steele. Two of them live in blissful ignorance, one of which is now in Australia. However, one of them, Roman, was brought up by his mother knowing full well who his father is. She tried tirelessly to get Carl to acknowledge him, but in the end, Carl lost patience with her. She consequently lost her life for it.”
“Nice,” Jonah replies bitterly, “I take it Roman didn’t take too kindly to that?”
“No, and unfortunately for Carl, Roman had already been going off the rails. He belonged to a group called ‘Acid Brothers’-”
“Yes, I’ve heard of them,” he smirks, “one of the inner-city gangs. Very violent, very…unpleasant!”
“Well, he recently reached the top spot in said gang,” she says as she grins a little wickedly, “became its president for want of a better word. Funny if you think about it; one might even say he followed in his father’s footsteps!”
Jonah throws his head back and laughs over the irony of it. ‘The Acids’ as they are affectionately known as, are particularly vile against members of Mayfield, especially if you are one of the elite.
“It just so happens my aunt formed a friendship of sorts with Roman’s mother before she was killed. My aunt was always friendly to the poor woman when she came to plead her case with Carl, so much so, she would visit her and even formed a relationship with Roman. He’s agreed to meet with you,” she explains and hands over a small piece of paper with an address handwritten on the back of it. “It’s a neutral location.”
“But still very precarious for a member of the elite; a descendent of a founding father,” Jonah counters.
“You are of very little interest, Jonah,” she smiles smugly, “not nearly as important as Carl or Oliver. Sorry to dent your ego.”
“You wicked woman!” he replies, feigning shock. “Tell him I will meet him at this central café alone, on Friday, midday.” He scribbles down the new location and hands it back to her.
“He won’t come without K, his second,” she argues, “there will be no talking him out of it. K goes with him everywhere.”
“K?” he tuts and rolls his eyes over the use of nicknames. “Fine, but they will be searched for weapons on arrival, so they may as well not bother.”
“Thank you, Jonah,” she says, letting out a long breath of relief. “Angela and Oliver left for a short honeymoon, and I can only imagine how awful that is going to be for her.”
“She’ll live,” he replies with an emotionless tone of voice. “Besides, I’m sure it won’t be anything she hasn’t already had to endure up until now.”
“No, I guess not,” she says sadly and gets up to walk away.
“Pru, do you have any pictures of Angela Steele? Just so I know who to look out for?” he asks, trying to hide how desperate he is to see her.
She eyes him cautiously, worried that he will use it for something just as awful as her employer. However, she relents after thinking on it and seeing the sense he is making.
“Here,” she says as she hands over a small photograph of Beth wearing her bridal gown, looking sad, just before she was escorted to the church. Jonah studies it for a moment or two, with his finger trailing her sad face, then smiles.