Page 45 of Never Yours


I return to the bedroom and tuck the notebook under the bed—somewhere Caleb won’t look. I’m not even sure if he’s coming back home before his shore duty, but better to be safe than embarrassed. Pop was right, writing to him every day has helped me work through it all.

After primping in the bathroom for entirely too long, I grab my suitcase and join Cass in the kitchen, and she leashes up Smitten to drop him off at Travis’ on our way out of town. With a deep breath, I walk to the car and silently pray to myself that the man who fell in love with me six months ago still does.


. . .

We step off the ship, and my nerves are fucking shot. It’s been nearly six months since I’ve seen her, held her in my arms, told her I love her…

What if she doesn’t show?

What if the baby is that asshole’s and she’s with him now?

What if she doesn’t love me anymore?

What if she never did?

“Rogers.” Pitz’s voice pulls my attention from my freak out.


“She’ll be here,” she assures me, though I know she’s equally anxious. Her boyfriend is stationed here, and she hasn’t seen him since we left.

We make it through debrief meeting after debrief meeting and have been assured we have thirty days off before our shore duty. A month is plenty to help get everything ready for the baby, and hopefully move Ingrid out to San Diego or Los Angeles.

But it’s also not enough with her.

After we finish with intelligence, Pitz and I make our way to the large gymnasium where they are holding our welcome party with the rest of the crew. As we approach, Pitz’s boyfriend, Jones, jogs up to us and hugs her tightly, swinging her around twice before setting her down. He kisses her briefly, then whispers something in her ear. I can’t help the small chuckle that escapes me, but my eyes widen when he drops to one knee in front of us and proposes right on the spot.

I couldn’t be happier for her. These past months, she’s become one of my closest friends and confidants. If he’s half the man she’s made him out to be, he’ll make her happy. Though, my heart stills at the thought that Ingrid isn’t ready for marriage, even though I am.

We walk inside, and I take a few photos with Pitz, including one where I’m fake-gasping and pointing at the ring. I wrap her in a tight hug until I hear the one voice that brings me peace like nothing else.

“Gone six months and already engaged?”

I’ve never turned so fast in my life. Though her tone is teasing, I can’t imagine being with anyone other than Ingrid. In an instant, I take her in my arms, refusing to let go. Fuck, she smells like home. I can’t take it a moment longer, and our mouths collide in a kiss that makes my heart stop.

“Whoa, careful. Your fiancée might get jealous.” She smiles against my lips. “I guess you missed me?”

I slide a hand into her hair and tug to pull her back an inch. “I more than missed you… and you.” I fall to one knee and press a kiss to her full belly.

Ingrid rakes her fingers through my hair and whispers, “She’s yours, Cay.”

“She?” I look up at her, and I have to hold back tears. Not because she’s mine, but because we’re going to have a perfect baby girl. Though, I suspect I would react the same if she said we were having a boy. Ingrid nods her head, biting her lip. “We’re having a girl?”

I take a moment to drink in Ingrid—the mother of my child, the love of my life, the one woman I want to spend forever with. How she’s even more beautiful than I remember is unfathomable. I swear she’s glowing.

“Yeah, we’re having a girl,” she whispers.

“Is this her?” Pitz asks behind me.

I stand, wrapping one arm around Ingrid’s shoulder and resting a hand on her belly. “Yes, this is Ingrid. Ingrid, this is Sam Pitz.”

“Pleasure to?—”

Pitz nearly knocks Ingrid over with a hug. “I’m so excited to meet you!” She pulls back. “This is my fiancé, Dan. He just proposed.” Squealing she adds, “Fuck, I love calling him that. Can we go out to celebrate? Where are your dad and sister?”