Page 55 of Never Yours

Did my water break?

A woman from craft services has a rolling cart and sees the light glow above me that filming has started. She waits, but when she sees what I’m dealing with, she gasps, “Do you need me to call someone?”

“Yes,” I groan as pain radiates through my lower back.

My phone is still in my purse, which is inside. “My bag is in there. Can you call for a cab or something? Maybe by the time they are here I can get my purse.”

“What does it look like?”

“Navy blue, canvas material.”

She takes out her phone and texts someone. “Okay, Kim is inside and looking for it. She can bring it to the door.”

A few minutes and another contraction later, a woman swiftly opens the door and hands me the bag. I mouth “thank you” and quickly take out my phone. I text Cass, Cay, and Pop in a single message.

I think my water broke. Going to the hospital. I’ll text you when I get there.


Pop and I will be on the next flight!

Don’t, it’s okay. It might be a false alarm.

Fine, I’ll be on the next flight and Pop will come when you know for sure.

Couldn’t wait two weeks for me?

Cay doesn’t reply but, he could be leading a training session right now. I’m about to order a rideshare when the door opens again, and Amanda appears. “Shit! Is that what I think it is?”

“Maybe,” I wince. “I’m sorry!”

“No, it’s fine. Is there someone to take you to the hospital?” I shake my head. “I’m just going to order a?—”

“Jack is on his way since we were almost done for the day. He was going to take me to dinner; I’ll have him take you.” She pulls out her phone and calls. “Hey, Ingrid needs a ride to the hospital. How far out are you?... Perfect, can you pull up to lot eight?... Yep, that’s the one. Thank you, I love you.” Hanging up, she then tells me, “He’s less than three minutes out.”

“Are you sure about this?”

Amanda glances up and down the hallway muttering something about a medical drama. She rushes down to another set and comes back running with a wheelchair. “They stole my bloody knives for our flashback scene. I’m stealing their wheelchair.”

I don’t protest and let her wheel me to the car. When we get through the double doors, an SUV is waiting for us. The man driving has his hair tied up in a messy bun, wearing a white button-down shirt that has the top buttons undone, suspenders, and dress slacks. As much as Amanda has told me about Jack, this is not at all how I pictured him.

He gets out to open the door and offers his hand to help me in. “Is the wee bairn joining us today?”

“I hope not,” I whine.

Once he closes the door, he rounds the car and gets in and rolls the window down. “Spitfire,” he calls, and she moves closer to the car. “As soon as you’re done filming, we’re still going for drinks and dinner. Don’t think you can get out of celebrating our anniversary.”

“It’s not our anniversary,” she deadpans.

“It’s not?”

“No, it’s next week!”

“Shite, are you sure?”

“Yes!” Amanda laughs “Now, get her to the hospital.”

Jack rolls up the window, and the whole drive he reminds me to breathe. His voice is extremely calming, but I’ll give credit to his thick Scottish accent. If he narrated audiobooks, I’d listen to all of them.