Page 54 of Never Yours

“That was fast. When can you move in?” It only took them twenty-four hours to process the application. I’m hoping we can move in sooner rather than later so I can help get everything ready for Ingrid and the baby before I’m due on base.

“Excuse me, mister.” She places her hands on her hips. “Your name is on the rental agreement, too.”

“It’s your place, Ingrid,” I laugh.

Her eyes narrow. “So, you’re allowed to get a dog that’s ours, but I’m not allowed to get a condo that’s ours?”

“Fuck, you’re adorable. Come here.”

Ingrid joins me on the couch, but I pat my lap. “Not a chance.”

“Don’t make me ask again.”

“Technically, you didn’t ask.” I pull her onto my lap to straddle me, making her giggle. “Do you ever not get your way, Commander Rogers?”

She leans in and kisses me, the smile never leaving her lips. Sliding my hand into her hair, I angle her to deepen our kiss. I’ll never get enough of her. Our daughter kicks, and I feel it against my torso. “She’s been feisty lately.”

“Wonder where she got that from?” she laughs.

I break our kiss long enough to ask, “Have you thought about names?”

“I have.”


She bites her lip. “Darcy.”

“It’s perfect.”

“Isn’t it? I feel like she’s going to be a sassy one; it fits. Darcy Elizabeth Rogers.”

My heart stops and I swallow hard. “She’ll have my last name?”

Ingrid’s smile widens. “I will, too. One day. Or have you changed your mind about that?”

“Don’t you dare joke about that, princess.”

“Oh no, princess is back!” I lay Ingrid on the couch, and she bursts into laughter. “Come on, Cay, we don’t have time for that.”

“There’s always time for a quick breakfast.”


. . .

Six Weeks Later

“Quiet on set,” Penelope, the director, announces.

I’ve been on my feet for ten hours today, and I’m moments away from falling asleep standing. While my doctor says I can have two cups of coffee a day, I’m to the point of needing the stuff they give truckers to stay up all night. A little gas station speed would be amazing right about now. Darcy has been more active this week, and I’m just hoping to make it a couple more weeks.

“Ingrid,” Amanda whispers. “You might want to go to the bathroom.”

“Oh, I’m fine. I’ll go after we finish the scene.”

“Trust me.”

I look down and my pants have a wet spot, looking a hell of a lot like I peed myself. I cover myself with my hands. “Shit! This is so embarrassing. I’ve been standing for so long, my legs must be numb.” Rushing off to the bathroom, I stop right outside the set doors when my legs feel cold. I look down again and my pants are now soaked.