Page 40 of Never Yours

I’ll get back to Ingrid faster…

“Done,” I reply confidently.

He frowns, likely expecting a fight. “We’ll draw up a new contract. In the meantime, intelligence will brief you with official statements. With the sensitivity of the project, you won’t be able to return home until it’s over. We can allow your family to visit you for the thirty-six hours we’re on base before shipping out. But it’ll be supervised and you’ll have someone assigned to you until you leave.”


With a curt nod, he stands, and I do the same, saluting him. “Thank you for your service.” He turns on his heel to leave.

Before he opens the door, I rush out, “Please ensure my father, David Rogers, my sister, Cassidy Rogers, and my… wife, Ingrid Lawrence, are invited to base.”

He nods again and steps out of the room. Unlike the note I wanted to reach her, I’m feeling more confident that my family will actually be invited to base before I leave.

Two days later, and after another restless night’s sleep, I wake to a banging on the door before it swings open and someone announces, “Ten minutes,” before shutting it. We must be nearly at port, and I’m curious to see if anyone will be here for me. I rush to make my bed and dress, anxiously waiting on the door to unlock a second time.

After several minutes, the door opens, and three highly decorated officers step in. “Commander Rogers.”

“Yes, Sir.” I salute then move to ‘at ease.’ I’m used to seamen saluting me, not the other way around, so I’m a bit rusty.

“Thirty-six hours begins now.” He turns on his heel, and the other two officers wait for me to follow.

We leave the ship and enter one of the buildings next to the landing dock. No one is here. It’s quiet, too quiet. We walk down several sterile hallways until we reach an unmarked door. He stands to the side of it expectantly, so I open it.

I don’t make it a foot inside before my sister’s arms are wrapped around my neck, but my eyes immediately find Ingrid standing a few feet away next to Pop, looking less than pleased with me.

“Thank fuck you’re okay!” Cass cries.

“I’m okay,” I assure her, holding her tighter, my eyes not leaving Ingrid. I pull Cass’ arms down from around my neck and stalk over to Ingrid, not giving a fuck who might be watching. I take her face in my hands and roughly kiss her. It takes her by surprise, but her gasp quickly becomes a sigh against my lips, and she pulls me closer.

Pop clears his throat. “Son, now might be a good time to tell your wife why we are here?”

I groan as I pull away from Ingrid, already missing the taste of her. I take a quick inventory of my surroundings: two cameras and a one-way mirror. I carefully tell her, “I’m leaving for a few months, so they allowed me to see my family before I go.” I press a kiss to her cheek and whisper softly, “I’m sorry, it was the only way I could see you. Please play along, they’re watching.”

“How long are you going for?” Pop grumbles.

“They are splitting my contract. Six at sea, six on shore.” Ingrid stiffens against me, but I keep her close. “I won’t have contact with anyone while I’m at sea, so I asked to see you all before I go.”

“That’s what the officer said before you came in,” Ingrid says quietly. “We should’ve left it the way we did back home. This… this is harder.”

“Why don’t we give you two some privacy?” Cass offers, then laughs, “Well, sort of.” She waves and talks at the mirror. “Hi there! Can he have some alone time with his wife? No? Okay, well, I’m going to step out in case things are about to get spicy in here. Enjoy the show, boys!” She pats me on the back. “They said we’re allowed to have a supervised lunch with you. Are you sure you’re not some kind of inmate? This is giving me prison vibes.”

Pop rolls his eyes. “All right, that’s enough.” He guides her out of the room. “We’ll see you in a bit.”

The door shuts, and Ingrid’s cool expression is replaced with worry. “I have to tell you something, and I’m pretty sure you’re not going to want to see me again after I tell you.”

My stomach drops, and my chest tightens. Ingrid takes a step back. This is it, she’s walking away.

She casts her eyes down. “I’m pregnant.” My gaze falls to her belly, my heart swelling with so much love for this woman.

“Ingrid,” I breathe.

A rogue tear leaves her eye. I reach for her, but she takes another step back. “I need to do a paternity test while you’re here.”

“It… it’s not mine?” I take a seat in one of the cold metal chairs.

Ingrid steps closer and falls to her knees in front of me. “What I’m about to tell you is why you’ll never want to see me again.”

“Then, I don’t want to hear it,” I snap. She shuts her eyes tight with a wince, as if I slapped her. “Fuck, I’m sorry.” Taking her hands in mine, I kiss her palms and rest one on my chest above my heart. “Even if it hurts, tell me.”