She chewed on her bottom lip. “The other night, did you … almost kiss me?”
I coughed, choking on an inhale. “Way to skip the warm-up and go straight for the jugular.” She stared at me without blinking, and I shifted uncomfortably, clearing my throat.
Okay, so she was going to make me work for it.
“Yes, I got caught up in the moment, but it won’t happen again. I’m not the type of man to pursue a woman who belongs to someone else. My pride would never allow it.”
She nodded, her mouth twitching. “Of that, I have little doubt.” She rolled her lips. “That stuff about your family. Was that true?”
“Yes, it was.”
“And what you said about being needed …”
“True. All of it was true, Juliet.”
I couldn’t remember the last time I’d felt this uncomfortable. Opening up and sharing feelings wasn’t my brand of whiskey. I swallowed roughly. Maybe I should just call time on this whole truth-telling thing and let her go back to being pissed at me.
“Thank you,” she said. “For being honest with me. And you should know, I did need you. There was no one else I could call.”
I nodded. “How about we take two on our conversation from the other night? There must’ve been a reason you called me instead of Gabriel.”
“You really won’t let this go, will you?”
“I wish I could, darling, but I must know. Was it because you missed the pleasure of my company? My unassailable charm?”
She snorted. “Has anyone ever told you you’re a walking red flag?”
“Yes, among other things.” She clapped a hand over her mouth but was too late to catch the laugh that fell from her lips, and my mouth twitched, an unexpected warmth filling my chest.
“So, what happened with Gabriel? Boyfriend or not, I have a hard time believing he would have refused to come if you called.”
She braided her fingers together. “Well …” Ten minutes later, she finished recounting the details of a dinner party where someone named Lily had thrown herself all over Gabriel. “The worst part is, I would have liked her if she hadn’t been vying for Gabriel’s attention. To make matters worse, it was hard to miss how beautiful she was. I mean, if perfection could be embodied in a single person, it would be her.”
I glanced at Juliet from the corner of my eye. “Are you sure it’s Gabriel with the deep-rooted affection? You seem pretty taken with her yourself.”
She jabbed me in the ribs. “Don’t remind me of what an ass you can be now that I’ve decided to share.” She examined her hands for a long moment. “Anyway, that’s why I didn’t call him. Because if there is something between him and Lily, I don’t want to get caught in the middle.”
“I see. And what exactly did he do to make you think there was something between them?”
She frowned, a tiny wrinkle forming between her brows. “Well, it wasn’t anything he did per se, it was just more of an impression I had. There was this familiarity between them, like the kind that comes from having romantic feelings or—”
“From being his best friend’s little sister?”
She crossed her arms. “I know what I saw, Cristian.”
“No, you know what you think you saw. I can’t speak for this Lily person, but I’m certain there is no way he prefers her to you.”
“How do you know that?”
Because I’ve seen the way he looks at you.
“I just do. But you don’t have to take my word for it. Ask him yourself. You’re basing a lot on assumptions. If I might offer you your own advice, you shouldn’t fall prey to the narrative in your mind without having an honest conversation first.”
“I’m not sure it’s that simple.”
“It’s exactly that simple.” I hooked an arm on the bench. “When are you seeing him next?”
“Um, tomorrow evening. He asked if I was available, though he didn’t say what we’re doing yet. I think it might be a surprise.”