“Um, I think you have the wrong idea. Cristian’s—”
“Hot as fuck, I know.”
“Are you allowed to say that?” I looked over to where Carter stood, trying to hail a taxi.
“Relax, I’m just window-shopping. I may be happy with my current situation, but a girl’s still got eyes.”
Well, I couldn’t blame her there.
Despite the late hour, Cristian had showed up looking like he’d just stepped off the cover of GQ magazine. We watched him casually slide his hand into the pocket of his gray trousers, his tailored jacket shifting in tandem with his broad shoulders, and the light of the street lamp bouncing off the metallized crystal of his watch.
Yeah, if masculine elegance had a name, it would start and end with Cristian Alarie.
Simone nudged me sharply in the ribs when he ended his call, and I gave her some serious side-eye as she tossed her braids over one shoulder.
Just window-shopping, my ass.
“My apologies.” Cristian deposited his phone into the interior pocket of his jacket. “A minor work emergency. If you ladies are ready, my car should pull up any minute now.”
“Oh, no need to go out of your way. We can grab a cab.” Simone extended a hand. “I’m Simone, by the way. Enchantée.”
“Enchanté.” Rather than shaking her proffered hand, he raised it to his lips, pressing a kiss against her knuckles. “The pleasure is mine.”
I was too late to stop the snort that exploded from me, although I disguised it as a sneeze at the last second. But seriously, did this guy ever turn off the charm? My guess was probably not, considering the way Simone was preening under his attention like a show pony.
My gaze lingered on him. His features were a mixture of soft and masculine, the strong cut of his jaw framing a pair of full lips beneath high cheekbones. He was handsome in an obvious way, but something about his flawless exterior made me curious about the man beneath the facade.
Carter rejoined our circle, sliding in beside Simone.
“Did you find a taxi?” she asked.
“No, I had to call an Uber. You’d think there’d be a taxi available at this time of night, but it’s like a zoo out here.”
“Welcome to Paris,” Cristian deadpanned.
Carter gave him a once-over before taking an infinitesimal step closer to Simone. “Yeah, right. So, thanks again for helping us out. How do you know Juliet again?”
“Funny you should ask,” Simone said, eyes sliding to me. “I was just wondering the same thing.”
Well, I guess the jig is up.
After Cristian swooped in to rescue me like my own personal Batman—if Batman wore designer suits instead of a cape—I had neglected to offer my friends any explanation as to how we knew each other. But how was I supposed to explain that the person who just busted me out of department store jail was some random guy I’d met in the student center?
Didn’t exactly roll off the tongue.
“I’m an associate in the Paris branch of Juliet’s law firm,” Cristian said without missing a beat. “Someone in the New York office contacted us after receiving a message from her, and they sent me to sort everything out. Isn’t that right, Juliet?”
I blinked, my mouth hinging open as my eyes bounced between Simone and Carter.
“Um, yes, that’s it exactly.” Carter nodded, seeming to accept this, but Simone’s face pinched with suspicion. “Anyway, I appreciate you guys sticking this out with me, but I’m gonna head home.” I turned to Cristian. “You said something about a car?”
His mouth twitched. “I did indeed. I guess this is good night then, Simone, Carter.”
He steered me to the curb as a black Mercedes pulled up, and I paused when he opened the door, looking back at Simone. No doubt I would get the third degree about this tomorrow.
I stared into the dark cabin of the vehicle. Was I really about to accept a ride from a guy I barely knew? I lifted my gaze to Cristian’s, finding his glacial eyes glinting with amusement and maybe a hint of challenge.
Truth or dare, they seemed to say. Turn around and tell my friends the truth, or follow him down the rabbit hole?