Page 58 of Angel Eyes

She slipped into the room, tucking an arm across the cinched waist of her black sheath dress as they hustled to collect their belongings, giving her a wide berth as they darted through the open door without so much as a backward glance. I could hardly blame them. I would rather chew glass than spend a single second alone with this bitch.

I kept my face impassive as she circled my chair, her long fingernails scraping over the leather before sliding over my shoulders.

“Little Lucien.” The hair on the back of my neck rose as her breath coasted over my cheek, the cloying scent of her damask rose perfume arresting my senses. “You conveniently neglected to tell me you were having a staff meeting today.”

“Because I don’t need you here.”

She chuckled softly, running her fingers over the buttons of my shirt. “That’s a shame. We used to be so good together.”

“We used to be nothing.” I closed a hand over her wrist, wrenching it away from me. “And do not ever presume to touch me.”

She tutted, slipping between my knees and sliding up onto the desk, batting a hand through her dark hair. “You’re no fun.” Her lips hooked up in a smile. “Not like Gabriel used to be.”

My nostrils flared. “How dare you talk about him? I rarely consider myself to be a good person, but after what you did, I am practically in the running for sainthood.”

“What we did. Or did you forget?” She crossed her legs, leaning back on her elbows. “Look at you. Marcel gives you a bit of leash and already you’ve let it go to your head. But I’m his business manager. I’m the one he trusts implicitly.”

I sprang to my feet, relishing the way she flinched as I slanted over her.

“Trusts you? How interesting. That must be why he removed your name from the bank accounts.” Her eyes flashed, violence flickering in them, and I lowered my face to hers. “Go ahead. Strike me, darling. I’ll add it to the file I’m building for the authorities.”

She released a laugh, the shrill sound grating against my nerves. “Empty threats will get you nowhere, Lucien. If I go down, you go down with me. Besides, you wouldn’t do anything that would call into question Marcel’s high esteem for you, would you?” Her gaze lowered to the muscle flexing in my jaw. “I thought not.”

She shoved me away, and I straightened my collar, watching her with a mounting sense of loathing as she crossed to the liquor cabinet and filled two tumblers with brandy. She returned a moment later, raising one to me. I stared at her coldly, and she rolled her eyes, setting it down on the desk before lifting the other to her lips.

“So, have you found him yet?”

“Found who?” I pushed the drink to the edge of the desk and rummaged through a drawer for a cigar instead.

She snorted. “As much as I love playing games with you, you seem to be forgetting one crucial element. You can’t con a con woman. I know Marcel sent you to find Gabriel. Why?”

I struck a match, folding the cigar between my lips and taking shallow puffs as I held the flame near the blunt end, drawing in the rich tobacco before releasing it in a cloud of smoke.

“Well, if memory serves, I do believe Gabriel is his son. It might have something to do with that.”

“Cheeky bastard.” She tossed back the rest of her brandy. “So? Have you?”

“Why do you want to know?”

She rotated the glass tumbler, sending refracted light across the desk. “Maybe I miss him.”

“Ah, yes. And maybe hell has frozen over.”

She placed the empty glass on the desk, her smile saccharine. “Well, you would know. Tell me, have they moved your quarters to the seventh circle yet?”

“Why? Looking to be bunkmates?” I drew in another mouthful of smoke, letting the smooth flavors glide over my tongue. “Now, as much as I have enjoyed this little visit, I’m going to have to ask you to leave. Some of us have work to do.”

She shrugged, playing with the gold pendant at her throat. “I’m returning to Villefranche today anyway. But don’t miss me too much. I’ll be back in time for the opening.” With a wink that made me want to crawl out of my skin, she turned on her heel, crossing to the open door.

“Oh, and Elise?”

She paused in the doorway. “Yes, little Lucien?”

The corner of my lips twisted. “Don’t ever fucking interrupt my meeting again.”

