Page 30 of Angel Eyes

I tried not to wince. “Well, I didn’t expect to be going to any clubs while in Paris so—” I broke off as a look of abject horror crossed her face.

“Oh no, girlfriend, you can’t go like that. Marlena will have a field day.” I had already brought Simone up to speed on all things Gabriel while recounting the details of Marlena’s ambush earlier. “She’s clearly on a mission to steal your man. You can’t show up looking like you’re going to a parent-teacher conference and give her an advantage.”

“He’s not my man,” I said, ignoring the barb about my outfit. “I have a boyfriend.” She waved her hand, dismissing my comment as she rifled through her garment bag, pulling out dresses that looked like no more than shiny bits of fabric.

“Lucky for you, we appear to be about the same size.” She held up two dresses in front of her before discarding both. Pausing, she cast another look in my direction, eyeing my clothes critically. “You can take those off any time. We’ve got a lot of work to do.”

Twenty minutes later, I stood in the center of my bedroom in a gold cowl-neck slip dress, the silky material hugging my frame and tapering just below my hips. It certainly left little to the imagination. I tugged on the hem to cover more of my thighs.

“Stop that.” Simone swatted my hand away. “You look absolutely smoking. Now, shoes.” I opened my mouth to protest, but she cut me off. “And don’t you dare mention those ballet flats I found you in.”

I folded my arms. “I’ll have you know those are Tom Ford.”

“And I’ll have you know those are strictly for attending class and museum tours.” She pulled out a strappy pair of Jimmy Choo heels. “Oh yes, these will do nicely.”

I slipped them on as she moved to my side. “Well, you’re already gorgeous, so we won’t need much makeup. Maybe a touch of lip gloss and some gold bronzer to accentuate your cheekbones.” She tilted her head, studying me for another beat. “Let’s swap the studs for some gold hoops. Keep the bracelet, though. Oh, and one other thing—this bun has got to go.” She reached for me, but I shimmied out of her grasp.

“What’s wrong with my hair?” I raised a hand protectively. “I think it looks nice.”

“Juliet, you can’t be serious.” When I didn’t let go of my defensive posture, she released an exasperated breath. “Okay, listen to me. I don’t know if anything is going on between you and this guy or if you even want there to be anything going on.” I murmured something about Kyle, which she ignored again. “But what I do know is Marlena will not go easy on you. She carries herself like a woman who knows what she wants and, right now, she wants Gabriel.”

I swallowed an uncomfortable knot in my throat.

“She won’t hold back tonight,” she continued, her tone softer, “and neither should you.” After a beat, I nodded, and she grinned, pulling the pins from my hair. “Got a curling iron?”

As it turned out, Simone didn’t just have excellent taste in clothes—she was also a magician with hair. In a matter of minutes, she turned my wavy locks into a cascade of shiny, loose curls.

Pinning up the front half and leaving the rest to hang down my back, she glanced at me over my shoulder. “So, what do you think?”

“I love it. You’re like my fairy godmother.”

Her eyes found mine in the mirror, sparkling with triumph. “You can thank me later. For now, let’s go save your prince from Marlena’s fiery wiles.”



Ulterior motives aside, Marlena had been right about one thing. This was the place to be.

The thrum of music reached us as the elevator slid open, revealing a corridor with black marble floors. We made our way through a set of double doors inlaid with metallic carvings, entering a room packed with bodies. I glanced around, taking in the lavish décor.

Crystal chandeliers hung from high ceilings painted with frescos, and glass shelves holding expensive champagne lined the walls. Behind a bar with tufted leather bar stools was a wall of infinity mirrors, and across from that was a series of archways that led to a space bathed in dim lighting, a steady beat emanating from inside.

“Come on.” Simone clasped my hand in the dark, pulling me toward the arches. “Carter said they’re at a booth near the dance floor.”

“Hang on.” I fumbled with my clutch, extracting my phone as it pulsed with a new message.

Just arrived. Will be up shortly. – G

I clamped my lips together as a flurry of wings stirred awake in my stomach. Don’t, I admonished, even as my body hummed with anticipation. This was just a fun night out with friends, and Gabriel was one of them. Nothing to get so worked up about.

“You go ahead. I’m going to find the restrooms.”

Simone nodded before disappearing through the crowd as I headed in the opposite direction.

I found the ladies’ room down a hallway lined with baroque wallpaper, and I pushed inside, grateful to find it empty. Setting my purse on the sink, I fussed with my hair, which, thanks to Simone’s ministrations, was still in place, as was the gold eyeshadow, mascara, and nude lip gloss.

Admittedly, it looked pretty.