She laughed, flashing a row of straight teeth. “Come on, we’re classmates. I can’t stop by to say hi without having a reason?” Her dark eyes drifted to me. “Who’s your friend?”
Juliet stiffened noticeably. Or maybe it was only noticeable to me.
“Um, this is Gabriel. Gabriel, this is Marlena from—”
“Encantada de conocerte.” She extended a hand, leaning forward and giving me an unrestricted view of her cleavage.
I darted another look at Juliet, only to find all the warmth gone from her eyes as they ticked from me to Marlena. “Nice to meet you.” I clasped Marlena’s hand for half a beat before letting go. “Any friend of Juliet’s is a friend of mine.”
Marlena’s eyebrows lowered a fraction, her smile faltering as she cast a look in Juliet’s direction. Juliet, for her part, remained silent, her expression shuttered.
“Right,” Marlena said. “So, Juliet, you’re coming out with all of us tonight, aren’t you?”
Juliet’s eyes snapped up, her mouth falling open. “I’m sorry, what?”
“Out with us tonight, silly.” Marlena turned to me. “Some students from our program are going to check out this new club tonight. It’s supposed to be super exclusive, but I pulled some strings. You’re welcome to come, too, of course.”
I bit down on my cheek, a rejection dancing on my tongue. I didn’t like bullies, and if Juliet’s discomfort was any sign, she and Marlena were anything but friends.
But … maybe I could use the situation to my advantage.
“I’d love to.” My eyes ticked to Juliet’s, catching her look of surprise. “Only if you’ll be there.” Some of the familiar glow that reminded me of sunset returned to her cheeks.
“Well, I suppose I could come out for a bit—”
“Great. I’ll text you the details.” Marlena gave me a departing wink. “See you tonight.”
I fumbled into my black leather ballerina flats, not bothering to secure the ankle straps as I rushed toward the front door. After returning from the library, I had spent the better part of three hours showering, shaving, and tearing apart my closet, trying to find something decent to wear for tonight’s outing.
It was safe to say it had been a long time since I’d gone out clubbing.
Eventually, I had called Simone for a second opinion and was relieved to discover she was coming out too, having received a last-minute invitation from Carter, another classmate who I suspected might have a thing for her. Whatever the reason, I was glad she would be there. After Marlena’s stunt earlier, I had a feeling I would need reinforcements.
After a half-hour conversation, Simone had insisted there was no way she could “properly assess my look” without seeing it in person, so we agreed she would swing by my apartment to finish getting ready together before meeting up with the rest of the group.
Pausing by the hallway mirror, I smoothed my hair back, tucking a loose strand into the bun at the nape of my neck.
I was wearing my favorite silk blouse from Bergdorf’s and a pair of high-rise skinny jeans that Ember always said looked flattering on me—or, to use her words, made my ass look great. To complete the look, I had donned the diamond studs my grandmother had gifted me on my twenty-first birthday as well as a thin, gold bracelet that had belonged to my mother.
Not too shabby, all things considered.
I scurried to the door and flung it open to find Simone standing on the threshold in a neon-green skater dress with matching heels, her long braids piled up in a high ponytail. I blinked, noting the garment bag she had draped over one arm, a small duffel slung over the other. It was a wonder she’d been able to manage the stairs while hefting such a load.
“Hey, babe.” She air-kissed both my cheeks before stepping past me into the living room. She let out a low whistle. “Wow, nice place.”
“Thanks.” I gestured toward the bags. “What’s all that?”
She crossed the living room in three long-legged strides, dumping them onto the sofa. “Oh, I just brought some extra things in case I changed my mind about this outfit.”
I plucked my lower lip. “I think you look pretty fantastic already.”
“Thanks,” she said, rummaging through her bag. “I just have to finish my makeup and then I should be ready to go.” She glanced up, her brows drawing together as she skimmed me from head to toe. “What are you wearing?”