He took hold of my hand and softly smiled at me. I knew he felt bad that he’d not been able to be with me the night of graduation and insisted he make it up to me. However, he’d more than made it up to me over the last few weeks, but he still insisted on celebrating.

“My goodness, everything looks so good. I don’t know what to order,” Lorelai said, leaning into me.

“I’m going to go with the lasagna. I wanted to order it the last time, but you know me and salmon. I had to go with that instead.” I giggled.

“I swear you have had salmon in every restaurant we’ve been to in Victoria and Vancouver.” Lorelai giggled. “Time you spread your wings.” She winked.

“Oh, that sounds good,” my mother said, still looking over the options.

“Salmon or lasagna?” I questioned.

“Lasagna. Salmon is, well, not my favourite.”

“What about you, Walker?” Dylan asked.

“Definitely the surf and turf,” he answered. “I checked the menu out online when you messaged me. I’ve been craving it since.”

“My kind of guy,” Dylan replied, patting him on the shoulder. “I think I’m going to have the same.”

Dylan rested his hand on my upper thigh and picked up his wineglass. “Guys, I’d like to take a minute while we are all trying to decide what to eat to congratulate Aurora and Lorelai on their graduation.”

Everyone picked up their glass, and we all clinked glasses together and took a drink.

“And to their new positions with the Dominators.”

Again, we all clinked glasses and took another drink.

“How does it feel to be working with them?” my mother questioned.

Lorelai glanced over at me and smiled. “For me, it almost feels surreal that we are actually not in school anymore and we are working, but I am very excited about the future.”

“Me too. It was a long road, and I am so glad we are finished. Now, it’s on to better things.” I smiled, meeting Dylan’s eyes. “Oh, and we can’t forget, happy birthday to my brother, Walker,” I said, smiling over at him.

“Yeah, Happy Birthday,” Lorelai added.

“Thanks,” Walker said, making eye contact with her.

Lorelai cleared her throat and pushed her chair back from the table. “Please excuse me, I just need to use the little girl’s room.”

For the first time, she smiled at Walker without tears in her eyes. Perhaps she was finally over what had happened between them. At least, I hoped she was.

Mom stood as well. “Lorelai, I think I’ll join you.”

They both took off toward the washroom, leaving the three of us at the table.

“Who’s the empty seat and extra menu for?” I questioned, taking a drink of my wine.

Almost as if on cue, Dylan stood up and waved. I glanced over my shoulder to see Knox coming toward the table. He smiled in my direction and grabbed the seat beside Walker.

“Oh my god, Knox Evans…this can’t be real,” Walker said, a look of shock and surprise on his face.

I couldn’t help but smile. Walker still hadn’t gotten over meeting Dylan, and Knox was his second favorite player. I glanced over at Dylan and then immediately thought of Lorelai, panic mode already beginning to set in.

“In the flesh,” Knox said, shaking hands with Walker. “Dylan told me you are a huge fan.”

“Never miss a game,” he said, looking proudly.

“We love fans that like, don’t we, Dylan.”