“I didn’t feel a need to have you come get me. Part of me also wanted to hear him out.”
“Well, I’m glad you did that. However, this is just crazy. Did he say anything to you?”
I shook my head.
“This woman sounds super desperate. It’s like she is grasping at straws. I mean…wow.”
I watched a little more and then looked at Lorelai. “She cheated on him with another Dominator. I can’t remember his name…” I said, looking at the TV again to see the same clip of him fighting. “Wait…” I said, squinting to read the guy’s jersey. “That’s him.”
“Novak?? She cheated on Dylan with that looser?” Lorelai asked.
I nodded. “That is what he said.”
“God, my brother hated him. As did pretty much every guy on the team. He was just so full of himself.”
We watched the clip again. I could clearly see Novak lean in and say something to Dylan, and that was when the fight began.
“I remember when that happened,” Lorelai said, watching the screen with me. “He’d just been traded to the new team about a week prior.”
Once again, the image flashed to Carlie and Dylan and their splitsville article and then to her statement about her current condition. She stood there speaking to a reporter, eyes full of tears as she broke down into fits of hysteria.
“So he said nothing to you about this? I mean, he must know about it now?” Lorelai asked.
“He said nothing to me at all,” I muttered. “Just turn it off.”
“Maybe he doesn’t know yet?” Lorelai said, doing as I asked and shutting the TV off.
“You know as well as I do they have watchdogs everywhere. I mean, had you of seen how quickly the guys handled the other night, you’d of been shocked. They had PR called, lawyers called, and were even proceeding with using the restraining order that Dylan had put in place before we left the parking lot.”
I knew Lorelai knew how fast they moved. Her brother had his share of bad publicity over the years, especially when he first came to the team.
“Well, if he knows, then why didn’t he mention anything to you?” Lorelai questioned.
I shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe he doesn’t know, and besides, the games tonight.”
Just then the phone rang, and Lorelai grabbed it. I sat there looking at my phone on the table, wondering if he had messaged me and I’d just not seen it. I wasn’t even sure I wanted to look.
“It’s Candace. She got the invitations in for the wedding and wants to know if we can come by after exams to help her stuff envelopes,” Lorelai said.
I nodded. “Can you ask her something for me?” I whispered.
Lorelai nodded.
“Ask her if Phil ever keeps things from her?”
Lorelai frowned. “Hold on one second, Candace.” She covered the mouthpiece and dropped it in her lap and looked at me. “What are you wanting to know?”
“Just ask her if Phil ever kept things from her regarding bad publicity?”
Lorelai shook her head but asked anyway. I could hear her answer, and then I heard her ask why?
“No, there has been nothing in the news about him. Aurora was just wondering is all. Yep, I’ll let her know. Okay. See you then.”
Lorelai hung up the phone and then turned to me. “Her words exactly. If he ever hid anything from me, he’d never use his man stick on me again.”
I couldn’t help but smirk from the expression on Lorelai’s face as she repeated the words that her soon-to-be sister-in-law said.
“Excuse me, because after saying those words in relation to my brother- and sister-in-law, I think I’m going to have to wash my mouth out with soap now.”