“God, I can’t believe I’m actually going to meet him,” he said, clapping his hands together. “Thanks for showing me all that stuff. What a rush,” Walker said, coming and sitting down beside me.
“He should be here any minute,” Joe said, glancing at his watch.
“Excuse me, but I need to use the washroom,” I said, standing up.
“Sure thing. Just make a left down the hall from the kitchen door. It’s the first door on your right.” Joe smiled, opening the door for me.
* * *
I pulled my phone from my pocket once I had locked the door to the bathroom and quickly texted Lorelai. I’d told her I’d let her know what was up the moment I found out.
Aurora: So, Penelope’s big surprise…she’s married to a man whose son is a Dominator
Lorelai: WHAT???? Aurora, what are you talking about?
Aurora: My mother married a man who’s the father to one of the Vancouver Dominators
Lorelai: Oh god. Your brother must be beside himself. Have you met him yet? Who is it? I’ll have to tell Phil.
Aurora: Nope, have not met him yet. He is apparently on his way over.
Lorelai: What’s your new surprise stepfather like?
Aurora: Little different from the others. He lives over in the ritzy part of Vancouver. My car looks like a sore thumb in the driveway. Oh, and he actually wears full shirts, not wife beaters. Penelope has officially stepped up. He made drinks for everyone instead of standing over Penelope and demanding she do it. It’s like an alternate reality.
Lorelai: Sounds like a complete 360.
Aurora: You think? Something has got to be wrong with the entire picture.
Lorelai: Maybe she has changed.
Aurora: Do you remember Penelope? LOL
Lorelai: Your mom, despite her faults, all of her faults, deserves to be with a decent guy, you know.
I tapped the side of my phone as I recounted the steps of the events so far tonight. I hadn’t been able to remember anything being out of place in this picture, except for my mother.
Aurora: I’m sure the whole thing will blow up once this guy doesn’t treat my mother like trash.
Lorelai: Maybe she is looking for a change.
I heard some footsteps in the hallway and a murmur of voices. I bet my new stepbrother was here.
Aurora: Got to go. I think the stepbrother is here. I’m hiding in the bathroom, and before they get suspicious, I need to make an appearance.
Lorelai: Text me later. I want to know who it is, and I want to hear all about the evening. I don’t think I can wait until you get home.
Aurora: Okay, I’ll let you know the instant I find out. Then you can ask your brother about him and let me know if he is a decent guy.
Lorelai: Will do. Have fun.
I pocketed my phone, flushed the toilet, and opened the door a crack to see the hallway empty. I shut the light off and made my way into the kitchen where I could see my mother standing beside Joe and Walker, talking with someone I couldn’t see. Certain that must be him, I grabbed my drink from the counter where I left it and opened the back door.
They were chatting away when my mother finally noticed me.
“Ah, and Dylan, this is my daughter, Aurora.”
I looked up just as Joe stepped to the side and caught sight of a pair of blue eyes I’d have known anywhere. Heat filled my body, and everything fell away until I heard the glass I’d been holding shatter as it hit the stone of the deck.