“I doubt that.”
“I don’t understand what your issue is with him. He seems super nice. Give the guy a chance.”
Lorelai shook her head and crossed her arms. “We have to get going or we’ll be late,” she said, heading toward my car.
“I think we are taking Dylan’s car. Hold up.”
“We’re all going together?” She frowned.
“It makes the most sense.” I shrugged.
I signaled to the guys to hurry, and together the four of us walked across the parking lot to Dylan’s car.
* * *
Dylan and I walked hand-in-hand through the condo, talking amongst ourselves as Lorelai and Knox walked behind us.
“I want to check out the bedrooms. We should decide now which ones we like. That way we won’t fight over it on moving day.” I giggled.
“We don’t fight.” Lorelai laughed.
“We will if we both end up wanting the same room.”
We’d looked at all three bedrooms, and when I walked into the last one, I knew I wanted it. It was a pale purple, which was my favorite color. It had a gorgeous view of the city and a partial view of the water. “I think I’ll take this one,” I said.
“I figured, it’s your favorite color.”
“Which one are you going to take?” Knox questioned, turning to Lorelai.
“Not sure.”
“I think you should take the one at the end of the hall. A complete view of the water.”
Lorelai glanced at me. “I think I’ll take the other one.”
“Why on earth would you do that?” Knox asked. “I could tell the second you walked into that room you loved it.”
“How do you figure?” she said, crossing her arms in front of her. “You don’t know me.”
“If you’d have seen your face looking out those windows, you’d know you loved it.”
Lorelai crossed her arms in front of her and shook her head. “That room will be cold as hell in the winter, and I hate being cold.”
I looked at Dylan, then at Lorelai. I’d known her forever, and the one thing I knew about her was she was always warm. It wasn’t unusual for her to be in shorts and a T-shirt the entire winter while I was freezing.
“Lorelai, that isn’t true,” I said, rolling my eyes.
She lifted her eyes to mine. “It is. I hate being cold.”
“Okay, but you have to admit it has the nicer of the two ensuites,” Knox said, coming out from the one adjoining my room. “It has a huge soaker tub too, which would be perfect after work all day.”
“I shower,” she gritted. “Who the hell wants to sit in a tub of their own filth?”
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Lorelai had always loved taking baths. She was what I called the bathroom hog. Once she got in that tub in our apartment, she was in there for a good hour, normally lost in her book.
“What has gotten into you?” I questioned, pulling her out into the hall.
“In a bit of a bad mood, I guess.”