I’d been afraid that Walker’s behaviour would have this effect, especially after she was just dumped. I was almost positive Lorelai would push all men away from her. She would not get over everything overnight.
“How many times do I need to tell you? It’s not you, it’s them. As for my brother, he’s a mess. Remember what his track record is,” I said, gently banging her shoulder.
“I know, I just…can’t forget the look on his face as he said those words to me. It was the same look that Hugo gave me when he broke it off with me.”
“Please don’t tell me you thought my brother would change because it was you?” I feared perhaps she had silently prayed for that. “Lorelai, I love you, but Walker has some serious growing up to do. He has had no male role model, aside from those disasters our mother has dated over the years. You’ve seen them. They aren’t exactly model men. I mean, look at the last guy…leaving our mother for a woman on the internet or something.”
“You’re right. I don’t know why I’m letting his reactions play any role in how I feel,” she said, still looking defeated. “That night was nothing but a stupid mistake.”
We walked in silence, then Lorelai turned to me.
“Are you still sure you want to be as free as her?”
I nodded. “I think that being like her would give me what I need to put my ex behind me.”
“You do? You might end up like me. Whatever you do, just watch yourself, because that was what I thought. I don’t want to see you getting hurt before we head off to school.”
“I’ll be careful. I know one thing: I will need a little courage to get there, to be as free as her.”
Lorelai smirked. “Only a little? I’d say you’ll need a lot. You aren’t anything like her.”
We both laughed, then she gave me a serious look.
“You don’t need to do anything, you know. I think what would be best for you is just time. You were in a long relationship, and I know you well enough to know that you aren’t the type to get over someone that quick or in that way. It may just confuse you more, just like it’s done for me.”
“I’m not confused,” I said, feeling defensive.
“I beg to differ. The breakup came out of nowhere, and now you are seeking somewhere to divert your pain.”
I nodded. “Yep, it came out of nowhere. It was like I walked into a wall. Pardon me if I just want to forget it all.”
“Of course it did, and it doesn’t help that he never even gave you an explanation! At least Hugo had a reason.”
I shook my head. “No, Greg had a reason. He said he couldn’t see us going any further.”
“Poor excuse. I don’t call a job in another city a reason. Hasn’t he heard of long-distance relationships?”
I grew quiet, remembering exactly how I felt the day that Greg announced he wanted to break things between us.
Lorelai was quiet for a moment. Then she looked at me. “I’m sorry he hurt you.”
I shrugged. “It’s not a big deal, really. It obviously was not meant to be. If we were, then, well, we wouldn’t be here discussing this, would we?”
Lorelai shook her head. “I guess not.”
“So, I’m reclaiming myself on this trip. I’m taking control of my life, just like my mother does. So, give me the courage to act like my mother. It works for her, so maybe, fingers crossed, it will work for me.”
Lorelai let out a laugh. “You know what? You want courage? I’ll give you courage. The first guy who looks in your direction, I’m going to tell him just to invite you back to his room and make you his.”
I let out a loud laugh, while Lorelai kept a straight face. People glanced in our direction as they passed by.
“Okay, maybe not so forward.”
“It’s the only way to go,” she said, looking at everyone.
“What are you doing? Here?” I gasped.
She nodded just as two guys about our age came walking toward us. Lorelai straightened up. “Hey, do either of you want to have one night of fun?” she asked them.