Page 80 of Prince of Darkness

“I can break your neck, if you’d rather. That’s how I killed Igor.” I pull him into a larger room filled with boxes. It appears he’s taken over the building. I wonder what deal Fiori made with Igor that he had use of the building. Do Lucy and Donovan know? And why do I care now?

Babichev’s men rush in, guns up.

“Don’t shoot,” Babichev squeals like a pig.

I laugh. “Coward.” I look at his men. “Is this the man you want to follow? A man not willing to give his life for you?”

“You’re going to die today, Rostova.”

“So are you, Babichev. So are you.” We’re at a stalemate. If I want this man dead, I should just do it. I’ll die in a torrent of gunfire. It makes me think of an old movie my father used to watch about Butch Cassidy and Sundance Kid. They too took on an army of men, going out in the proverbial blaze of glory.

“Any last words?” I ask Babichev.

“Fuck.” He sounds terrified. “You don’t have to do this. I’ll concede…”

I almost feel bad for him. “How the fuck did you get so far?” I can’t figure out how this pussy was able to elude me.

“I’m good at strategy. I can help you with that. Computer hacking. Deep fakes.”

I frown. “That’s how you had us running all over thinking you were somewhere you weren’t?”

“Yes.” He sounds hopeful now. “I can do it for you too.”

“Is that how you got the sonogram?”

“Yes. But I’ll leave her alone now. I promise.”

“Too late.” I press the barrel of the gun against his head.

His men step forward.

But I hesitate. I’m not afraid to die. But holy hell, I don’t want to.

“I’m beginning to think you’re afraid to kill me.” Babichev’s words shock me. “Igor always said you were soft, that you cared too much about people. Are you feeling bad for me?”

What the fuck? “You missed your calling. You could have been an actor, maybe even won an Oscar. I’ll admit, I was feeling a little bad that you ended up in over your head. But make no mistake, I’m going to kill you. You don’t fuck with what’s mine and live, even if you’re a dumbass pussy coward.”

We’re stalling. I take a minute to think of Niko and Donovan, two men, two brothers. They’re happy, and I know they’ll be fine without me. But Kate. God, how I’d love to have more time with her. To watch our child grow in her belly. Feel it kick. The image of her smiling at me like I’m a superhero fills my head. That’s the image I want to die with.

“It’s time.” I take a breath, preparing for his men to fire when I do.

I love you, Kate.

I pull the trigger.



Babichev drops and gunfire erupts. Fire pierces my shoulder, knocking me back. I run for cover behind a box, not sure there is enough substance to keep bullets from penetrating.

I take a breath and then peek around, ready to fire. It’s probably a fool's errand as I’m outgunned.

“Donovan… three o’clock.”

What the fuck? Niko shoots two men while Donovan takes out the man to his right.

“Boss!” Robbie comes rushing over, shooting Babichev’s body along the way. “You okay?” He takes cover behind the box with me.